Log: To see the world in innocence [Cross & Euphemia]

Mar 27, 2007 06:45

Who: Cross (gen_cross) and Euphie (sealyourfate)
What: Meeting and taking a walk
When: After this. (So a few days ago~)
Where: Euphie's room (1011) and then the gardens
Rating:PG to PG13~

Dealing with children was tiresome, and the exorcists acted like spoiled toddlers. After that display with Kanda, Cross doubted he would need to repeat himself. The boy seemed determined enough to get his Innocence back, and holding on to it was just more work for Cross. As for his mission, well, that could wait. A man had a better advantage in battle when on familiar ground. It would really be best to explore this Paradisa, especially in the company of a woman.

His fingers twitched without the familiar feel of a cigarette, so he fingered the stem of a rose instead. A charming man, that was Cross Marian. Knocking on the door of 1011, he waited for Euphie to answer. He knew she was in.

Euphemia was in as Cross knew, she had been reading through journal entries- she normally didn't do much other than that. She was hoping that the CPVC would help her do something productive and... well, interesting? Yes, until she could go home...and she wanted to go home. Hearing the knock on her door, Euphie got to her feet. That had to be Sir Cross, she only hoped that her tour of Paradisa would be useful for him.

She opened the door, all smiles. "Hi~"

He smiled when he saw her. Young, as he figured. That wasn't a bother. She had an unusual color of hair, one even Cross Marian can't recall coming across in his travels to Germany, England, India, China and back. India, yes. Her hair reminded him of Indian silk, of the saris the women wore when they danced. He wanted to touch that hair, to see if his assumption was correct. But instead, he held out a red rose to her. "Hello, Miss. I'm sorry, I should have brought you something pink."

She smiled widely, looking surprised and pleased by the red rose. She reached over shyly to take it, "Thank you, Sir Cross, right?" It had to be him, right? She had a second glance at him, taller than she was by a fair bit, red hair, a black coat with an emblem she'd never seen before. He kinda looked like a priest... or a knight? Or something... a soldier perhaps? "I was expecting you."

"You're welcome, Euphie. Yes, I'm Cross," he replied with a grin and tapped his mask with a finger. He noticed her her gaze over his coat. Yes, the Black Order wasn't known here. His cross wouldn't admit him passage anywhere, although that was never a problem for Marian, here or anywhere. The people in the city seemed very open to him as a man from the castle. He held his arm out to her in a polite gesture. He would be a gentleman today, and walk with her as a proper lady. "Were you? I must be losing my touch. Might you escort me, if you're not busy."

When he tapped his mask she turned to look at that curious for a few moments. Then, knowing it was not polite she looked down at her hands, at the rose. It was lovely. She laughed a little, "Well I did promise you a tour." She turned back inside for a few moments and placed the rose down before heading over and taking the offered arm. "Of course, gladly."

"It's not a sore subject," he replied casually, referring to the mask. "I don't mind if you look." Really, he didn't mind if she stared at him all day, but perhaps that was vanity. She a look of innocence about her, one of those rare women whose smile hadn't been painted over by tragedy and a harsh life of poverty. She seem untouched. Cross had a sinking feeling when she took his arm. He probably shouldn't get into bed with her tonight. Tch. Still, he wouldn't turn down her company; some women had to bear a noble name. Cross liked them all the same, and he smiled at her once again. "Where should we start then? Thank you, for the tour."

Euphie blushed, "Ah, um... but it's not polite, sir." she adjusted her arm comfortably and then lead them down the hall. "Well, as far as I been able to tell the only thing from the second floor onwards are rooms so that's not very exciting to see."

"If there's no offense, how can it be considered impolite?" he asked kindly. Cross nodded his head in agreement. He'd already had Timcampi do that work for him. Rooms were only interesting to see if you were too preoccupied to notice the decor. A part of him wondered where she would take him, what a young woman like this found to be interesting. "What is exciting to you?"

"Well, I'm part of this committee who makes sure new people are settled in as best as possible. Well, among other things." she guided them down towards the first floor, "Uhm... I guess I could show you the basics? Kitchen, dinning hall, library- oh we have a pool and a games room too!" But... "I personally think the gardens and courtyard are nicest, but it may not be too exciting to see."

"A committee?" Cross had wondered if this place was organized at all. Apparently, it had a committee. Now, was it something set up by the people who brought them all here, or by the residents as a coping method? Her bright personality was refreshing. He'd met too many bitter women, the ones who scratch their nails down your back and tear into your hair. Cross didn't really need a tour of the castle; he'd made himself familiar. "I'd like to see what interests you, Miss Euphie. The gardens are lovely, I've seen them briefly."

"Yes, um, it has just been set up recently," she turned to look up at him again, looking a little shy but still smiling, "What interests me?" She was surprised that he was asking, didn't he need to know the castle better? "Um... I just like doing things. Like... taking walks... looking around." She liked to experience things just... living free from obligations.. from something. Euphemia couldn't recall.

He considered. Cross trusted no one, and any that might gain his trust would lose it the next day, because that is the nature of the enemy. Did this girl have information on the world, or was she as pure as she seemed? "Please, tell me about it. Do you know much about Paradisa?" Then he laughed. She seemed hesitant over her interests. He looked at her with a charming smile from a charming man. "It's good. To indulge in your pleasures."

Euphemia shook her head, "No one seems to know much about it. No one has explained why we are being brought here or why we can leave." Despite being quiet she did look at the entries, "It seems people here lose things... for no apparent reason either." she shrugged a little, then smiled when Cross laughed and smiled at her. She was comfortable with that smile. It seemed honest. "I guess so, but there's also duty and responsibility." although she was not sure what that had to do with her really.

Cross only nodded. Her story confirmed what others had said. "I see," he finally replied. Duty and responsibility versus wanton pleasures. Why did this seem familiar? That question seemed odd from her lips. "Are you plagued by duty and responsibility, Miss Euphie?"

"Ara..." she tapped her lips and looked up as if trying hard to recall something as she lead them towards the courtyard. "I feel like I should be but I cannot remember." she admitted with another smile, turning to Cross again. She liked him, he seemed smart and nice and pleasant. Not everyone here was bad. "People shouldn't have to fight here so..." she shrugged, "Are you Sir Cross?"

Couldn't remember. Well, he couldn't remember why he went to Edo. A mission to destroy the akuma nest, this is what Timcampi had relayed. There was some other reason, and it directly involved the Earl. The fragments wouldn't piece together; it was useless to try. "I see we've both forgotten a thing or in coming here. Maybe it's for the best to be a little carefree while we can." He thought over her question. Cross didn't think about that very much. It was something in his blood, not in his mind. "I'm but a humble man of the Church. I do hope you stay away from the fighting."

"Some people say that is the price we paid for this place." Euphemia didn't want to think of it like that... it was too frightening to think someone had that kind of power over them. "I do, but I wish I had the strength to stop it." It was honest, even if it was a little naive and idealistic, "Church? Oh that's why-" she pointed at the emblem on his coat.

"A price? That makes it seem like a privilege to be here," he mused. "I'm a priest of the Black Order. A soldier, you could say." Cross couldn't say he minded this place in particular. It had the necessary base ingredients to please a man, all but freedom. He hated standing still. Taking the opportunity to guide her, he led her to the gardens, near the rose bushes he'd retrieved a flower from earlier. Cross pointed to the pink ones silently. Much more fitting.

"Maybe whoever brought you thinks you are privileged to be here." She followed his lead, happy to be conversing like this. She didn't talk much to people because... well, she was cautious in her own way. She enjoyed spending a lot of time here alone, but this change was nice. Euphie brightened at the sight of the flowers. She released his arm to go poke at the roses, childish yes, but she liked flowers. She picked out a pink rose examining it for a second and then turned back to Cross, "Thank you for the rose, it was a thoughtful gesture."

"That may be, but we may never know."

Women always returned to a childlike state the moment they saw something they loved. Flowers must be something Euphie loved. This girl was ridiculously cute, both like a woman and a little child. No, he wouldn't sleep with her. Although one day he might like the role of teacher. Now, she was a princess in a tower. He would look, but not touch (unless she asked very nicely). Slacking off was always more pleasurable with company, but he did want a cigarette. She was charming, the girl with Innocence so unlike his. "It suits you. Though I think pink is more your color."

Euphie blushed and then beamed at her companion. "I think red was just perfect." It was a gesture from the other when there was no reason for it and that was what mattered to Euphie. "Now, I must return the gesture and bring you something next time we meet." But Cross seemed like a hard person to figure out, it seemed that finding something he might like may be difficult. But that was alright, Euphie had patience.

Cross couldn't help but chuckle. Modesty and altruism weren't things he normally encountered, let alone things that were genuine. He was tarnishing her innocence just by standing by her, Cross Marian, a drinking, smoking, philanderer. A cad. Dirtier than the whores he slept with, as Mahoja once said when Anita was far from hearing range. He knew what he was, and that's what made it fun to indulge. He still laughed to call his anti-akuma weapon Innocence. To think he had any of that left. "Well, you could always bring red wine," he mentioned casually. "We'll share a bottle over dinner."

"Red wine?" Euphie seemed happy that Cross had given her something he would surely like and nodded, taking his more, Euphie began walking, not with any direction in mind but just around the garden while she pondered her answer, "That sounds like a good plan. Dinner." And dinner? It sounded like a good invitation. "Are there many people from your world here, Sir Cross?"

Cross ducked his head, a secret smile behind his red hair. Maybe she had expected him, but he'd won dinner and wine. He didn't mind walking aimlessly. His life seemed that way often enough. Passing the time, easy days, he liked. From his world? Too many. "Yes. I seem to have a baker's dozen, though you shouldn't trust everyone who knows General Cross. They're not all good people."

Won? That was a funny way of looking at things. Euphemia saw it as a sign of friendship and company and... well, she was happy. Though she paused a little, "Your enemies are here too." It was almost a question but more of a statement.

Friendship and company and winning were all blurry lines to Cross. She was quick, Euphie. "Yes," he started. "My enemies are here. If you come across someone wearing a black coat like this one, you can most likely trust them. They are of use in a troublesome situation." Well, they were supposed to be of use in such crisis.

Euphie paused for a moment and then gave a nod, "Alright," she would keep that in mind, "...So it's probably best that I don't go asking about you where everyone might see, right?" She wasn't stupid. She could be careless at times, many times but... when it was about lives which were not her own... you couldn't afford mistakes.

"It would be wiser not make your association with me known," he found himself saying. Cross watched her. She was bright. He had mentioned being a soldier, a general, and she'd known the dangers that might include without war ever being mentioned. Which meant, "You understand turmoil then?"

Euphemia looked away, a less than happy expression passing over her features, "Yes. I understand." She had been kept away from public eye for years. She couldn't recall why that had been the case and so on but... she smiled again, "I'll do my best not to endanger you because of our ... association."

He placed his hands on both her shoulders, brushing those strange Indian-pink strands behind her. Maybe she wasn't so innocent after all. War never does leave much of that behind. This would be the moment he'd take any other woman, in the garden, among the flowers, but this girl might just say no, and Cross only took the willing. If she developed feelings for him, he couldn't just leave town this time. She might just be that princess in the tower. He smiled down at her. "It's you who would be in danger. War never breeds safety for soldiers."

Euphemia looked up at him, surprised and maybe more than a little confused. She hid that confusion though looking up at the other, she did understand. He smiled and then she smiled back at him answering: “No one is safe in war… but …” She faltered and blushed unsure of what to say, “Thank you for your concern.”

"Then you should," he began, removing his touch and as quickly as it came, "take advantage of this world. Live more freely." No matter the situation, he liked control. General Cross would always come out on top. Her blush fed his ego, her falter was knowing he had her in his hands. Men like him shouldn't be allowed around women like her.

Surprise when he withdrew his touch, almost as if she had been expecting something, something she was not sure what… and then it was gone. “I have responsibilities too, maybe not like a soldier but.” Euphie couldn’t recall why or what they were but she knew there was something she had to live up to. Nothing bad about that but, she dropped her eyes down to the emblem on his chest. Hesitation and then she reached up to brush it with her fingers. Metallic and cold.

"Do you remember those responsibilities?" he wondered aloud. His one eye followed her fingers, tracing the lines of the rose cross on his chest. There was curiosity in her movements; he had her guessing. His hand met hers and held it there. "That cross bears mine."

“I don’t. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try and remember them or live by them.” Euphemia replied, her fingers still tracing the rose cross curiously, memorizing the pattern until his hand met hers and she turned to look up at him. “You don’t need a cross to remind you of them, do you?” They were heavy things, responsibilities. You couldn’t forget them lightly.

"Is that easy to do when you have no recollection of them?" He supposed he should investigate his mission in Edo. Cross couldn't seem to care. Edo wasn't here. The Earl was. Someone switched the game mid-play, but he was a fast learner and the pieces would bend to his will soon enough. A serious side to the girl. No, he didn't need the coat to remind him, only to lure out the enemy. Cross had other reminders, and he lifted a hand to adjust the mask over his face. "The cross is only permission, Miss. It leads me where I need to be. Do you like it?"

"No, it is not." She answered honestly looking up at him, after all Euphie had nothing to hide, nothing to be scared of. Not yet, anyway. "It's very pretty, I like the design." The girl answered honestly turning to look down at it and then at their hands, she looked up at him, fingers curling comfortably against his. She trusted him.

"That sounds like a burden," he said lightly. Living up to ideals you couldn't remember was pointless. Humans cling too dearly to what they know. That's why the akuma will always be toys of the Earl. That well will never run dry. Her hands were small, much smaller than his. He noticed her gesture. Cross could be wrong, that cross could grand him admission to forbidden places here after all. He smiled at her trust. It was a horrible idea to trust him; he encouraged it. If he stayed here much longer-- "Thank the Lord, I suppose, for such a sight."

Euphemia smiled pleasantly, "I suppose it could be, I mean… I guess it is, but it's part of who I am," even if she couldn't quite remember it. She didn't think one could trust everyone… but him, yeah, him Euphemia trusted. "You're being ironic?" she enquired, blinking up at him as if she had missed something. "I guess the associations with the cross might not make it such a pleasant sight."

"Then I wish you luck, Miss Euphie, being who are you are," he murmured to her, lifting their hands to kiss her fingers. A gentleman's gesture, because that's who he was tonight. Was he being ironic? Possibly. He gave her a toying smile, feigning surprise. "You don't find the cross a pleasant sight?"

Cross Marian, he was a hard man to figure out- but all her observations kept being interrupted when he did things. Like that. He kissed her fingers and she smiled pleasantly, "I like it, but I don't know what it really means, or what wearing it really implies." She answered softly and then smiled at him again.

It was a fair reply. She didn't need to know the truth, and Cross didn't feel like telling her. Let her own war be enough. Things were moving and Cross had no room to sit newcomers at the players table. The bets had already been cast, after all. So instead he told her as he leaned in toward her ear, "It only means that I am a soldier of life, and you can trust that I have pure intentions." Pure intentions to end the Earl. His intentions in this matter were the kind only the devil would find wholesome.

That was alright, Euphemia wasn't all that curious to know…well maybe one day but not today. "I believe you." And she did wholeheartedly and even blindly, she believe that he had pure intentions. Of course she knew not how he really meant it, but did it matter? Not to her, she liked him.

His mission was to search out Accommodators, the ones who could hold Innocence, and he'd found one by accident in this castle. Cross understood the desire for Innocence, why they sought it and why the enemy did, too. That taunting power, a reminder of something the human soul remembers from way back when. That's probably why he wanted her; her innocence. He wanted to take it. And feeling the tinges of lust taking over, he stepped away. It wouldn't happen tonight, because he'd said so, and to do otherwise now would be like a loss of control. On his terms. Cross thought she might ask him one day. Reaching, he plucked a pink flower from a nearby bush. With a smile, he handed it to her. "Thank you for the tour, Euphie."

He stepped back and Euphemia stared a little, unsure of herself for a moment. She smiled again taking the pink flower in her fingers, "Mm." she shook her head, "Thank you for the company, Sir Cross and the flowers." She bowed her head down, more of a formal gesture. She would remember this, and she would certainly remember she owed him a bottle of wine and dinner at some point.

"It's my pleasure," he replied easily. Her formal gesture appeared cute. She was obviously from the upper classes; he noticed no dirt under her nails. Nothing dirty about her at all, except all places Cross dared to touch her. He gave her a wide smile. He might find himself with dreadful dreams later. "Shall we head in?"

Euphie gave a smile and a giggle reaching out for his hand and taking it in her own firmly, "Alright. I won't keep you longer than I have so far." She cheerfully took the lead, happy. It didn't take much to make her happy and he... he made her happy.

euphemia li britannia, cross marian

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