[Thread] Lana attempts to fix Loz up

Mar 25, 2007 13:15

Who: Lana, Loz
What: Loz is hurt and true to himself has done nothing to clean/bandage the wounds so Lana takes it upon herself (of course she does)
When: Now
Where: Loz's Room
Rating: PG-13?

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loz, lana lang

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Comments 32

asobu_ka March 25 2007, 20:22:55 UTC
"Yeah," he shouted back. Loz had been laying on the couch, scribbling in his notebook. Yazoo told him to lay down but he didn't say where, so Loz switched places occassionally because he was bored. He had abandoned his usual jacket for a black turtleneck he pulled from his closet but kept the pants and the boots. It was the first time he had also abandoned his usual gloves, as they were in a pretty bad mess. The outside of his arms were scratched up from when he crossed his arms to guard, but they weren't as bad as his chest, which were now hidden by the shirt.


Turtleneck=beater percipience March 25 2007, 20:40:10 UTC
Lana entered the room with Brutus following her. He'd brought honey....she didn't remember asking him to but...that was good since Loz might need the Codeine. She closed the door behind her then glanced at the couch where Loz was laying. She blinked, shocked, he wasn't in a full suit of leather....he...had skin....on places other than his head! Instinctively Lana had known that but for some reason actually seeing said skin shocked her senseless. She was so used to him being a head on a body of black leather. Her eyes ran up his cut up arms. It looked painful but not entirely serious ( ... )


asobu_ka March 25 2007, 20:55:01 UTC
Loz sat up on the couch with a bit of a grimace. That large one across his chest really got to him. He wasn't used to pain. His body was like a tank, but Hichigo managed to get through that tank-like exterior, past the protective leather top, and cut into his skin.

He looked at his arms when Lana mentioned them. "These?" he said. "This is nothing." And that wasn't just his ego talking. He'd had worse ~ falling from high heights, being thrown against walls, falling of motorbikes, the works ~ and he had a few scars to prove it. "This one's better," he said, pulling up his tanktop. He was rather proud of the large one. There were others, many others. Most were new but there were several old ones scattered about. Surviving an attack like that and finding a playmate capable of it thrilled Loz. He was happy to have a new playmate, although he was almost certain that his brothers would never let him play with Hichigo again.


percipience March 25 2007, 21:08:15 UTC
Lana lept up from her chair and kind of tried to back over it, causing her to trip and fall back into it, "HOLY SHIT!"

She looked at Brutus, "More bandages and...." She glanced back at Loz, "Something.....for stitching maybe....or...butterfly bandages, I don't know get everything you can get your ...hands? on."

Lana looked back at Loz and snatched the honey and codeine then set to work crushing some immediately. She didn't know how she was supposed to stitch Loz up, she'd only ever stitched a horse before...but she didn't figure Loz would let anyone else but maybe his brothers who she was certain weren't familiar with such things. She glanced up at Loz then with a shudder began to crush faster. She doubted he'd let HER stitch them up. She still had to convince him to let her touch him.

She handed the honey, pain killer mix to Loz, "Eat this, it will help." She glanced at the couch then the bed. "And...can I convince you to go lay on the bed, please? It'll be really hard to fix any of those where you are."


asobu_ka March 26 2007, 01:33:11 UTC
Wincing at the pain, he stuck his hand on her forehead to first push her away then just let it sit there when she spoke about his large scar. The memory of it held quite a bit of anger but at the same time pride, as he was certain the cause of the scar had taken Cloud's life. His brows furrowed in his usual frustrated manner. "That's when big brother killed me," he said sharply, brushing the scar with his right hand. There was much more to it and it was, in fact, Loz that caused the scar by overdosing on materia and attempting to blow up Cloud in a kamikaze attack, but his memories were still a bit skewed and it was easier to blame Cloud anyway. He was dead so he couldn't fight back.


percipience March 26 2007, 01:43:23 UTC
Lana sat there, Loz's hand on her forehead, looking stunned. Her hand slackened and she dropped the neosporin then scrambled to grab it. "H--he KILLED you?! Why...would anyone want to do that?!" she looked absolutely horrified and probably more than a little silly with Loz sitting there with his hand on her head. Somewhere in the back of her mind she wished someone would come in and take a picture because it would be one that would definitely need to be framed.


asobu_ka March 26 2007, 02:05:56 UTC
Loz looked at her, confused. She reacted quite strangely. Most didn't even flinch. "Yeah," he said, his green eyes still focused on her. He could smell her horror and it smelled funny. It wasn't fear of him, it was funny-smelling fear of something else: something that happened to him. He didn't really get it. "Brother's a meanie. He killed all of us." Zexion was somehow blended into this. He was a brother, Loz was certain of that. He had a similar smell to the rest of them, but no matter what Loz just could not remember Zexion. Maybe he was in the same generation as Sephiroth and that Zack guy.


percipience March 26 2007, 02:22:27 UTC
Lana picked up the neosporin and bandage again and began putting some on it while shaking her head. "That's terrible..to think that your own BROTHER would want to do something that atrocious to you. It's disgusting ( ... )


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