[Thread: Grimmjaw and Hichigo] Hollow vs Hollow.

Mar 19, 2007 23:50

Who: Grimmjaw (willbesixth) and Hichigo (shirosakihichi).
What: Playtime~
When: After this.
Where: The courtyard.
Rating: PG-13 for violenenenenence. May change.

Things were finally getting interesting. )

grimmjow jeagerjaques, shirosaki hichigo

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Comments 3

shirosakihichi March 20 2007, 00:20:12 UTC
Hichigo shut his journal quickly once the deal was finalized, only taking time to reply to a few last comments before walking out of the room, a smirk on his face, golden eyes gleaming. He'd just been wishing for some Arrancar to fight, and what did you know?-- one had commented and accepted his challenge. Surely, if things did end up a tad bloddy, cat lady wouldn't mind him killing one of the enemy ( ... )


willbesixth March 22 2007, 01:20:37 UTC
Grimmjaw turned his head to watch the approaching figure as it swung its sword, tearing up the ground nearby; not a total pushover, then, which was a relief. Grinning as the figure got closer, Grimmjaw gave the man an appraising look. This guy looked just like the shinigami he'd fought before, only without the red hair, and less... shinigami-looking. This new guy looked almost exactly the same, but the differences -- aside from his changed colouring, which was obvious -- were easy to spot, even for Grimmjaw.

"Finally." Grimmjaw's grin widened and he turned his full attention to Hichigo, one hand resting on the hilt of his sword as he waited for the hollow to get closer. "Thought I told you not to keep me waiting." Wrapping his hand around his sword, Grimmjaw unsheated it with one quick movement and looked at Hichigo, wondering which one of them would be make the first aggressive move.


shirosakihichi March 22 2007, 09:41:33 UTC
"Sorry," was Hichigo's simple, obviously non-sincere apology, a devilish smirk settling across his lips as he stopped a few feet away from the Arrancar. He remembered this one now... this was the one aibou had fought back home, the one he'd barely scratched. He wondered exactly how the blue-haired Arrancar had lost his arm, but there were more important matters at hand here than that.

He stopped a few feet away from Grimmjaw, lazily swinging Zangetsu at his side, watching the other closely for any signs of making an attack. After a while of seeing none, he decided he'd take the honor upon himself. And so, with a psychotic laugh, he suddenly sped up Zangetsu's rotations until the blade was a simple white and black blur before launching it at Grimmjaw-- one of his favorite moves to do.


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