[Thread: Grimmjaw and Hichigo] Hollow vs Hollow.

Mar 19, 2007 23:50

Who: Grimmjaw (willbesixth) and Hichigo (shirosakihichi).
What: Playtime~
When: After this.
Where: The courtyard.
Rating: PG-13 for violenenenenence. May change.

Well, well, well, wasn't this a pleasant surprise. Things were finally getting interesting.

Grimmjaw shut his journal carelessly, knocking it onto the floor -- fortunately, he had better things to do now, so he left it where it was and got to his feet, stepping on it as he walked to the door. That guy who'd been writing to him, the shinigami, Grimmjaw hadn't caught his name: he wanted a fight, now apparently, and Grimmjaw wouldn't leave him disappointed. He was just as eager for a little violence, and this would be a good way to pass the time.

After all, there was only so much that Grimmjaw could conceivably do in the castle before he started getting bored, and Grimmjaw wasn't pleasant when he was bored. Not that he was pleasant the rest of the time, but that was beside the point. He didn't enjoy having nothing to do, and with Aizen not around it just made things worse; normally he didn't like following orders, but they at least gave him something to fill the time.

Making his way out of the castle entrance and taking his time to get to the courtyard, Grimmjaw watched the people he passed. Weak-looking, most of 'em. There was no challenge in killing these kinds of humans; he wanted someone strong, someone he could fight.

Hopefully this non-shinigami shinigami would be worth his time.

Arriving in the courtyard, Grimmjaw stood and waited for Hichigo to get here, his jacket and empty sleeve flapping slightly in the wind.

grimmjow jeagerjaques, shirosaki hichigo

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