The only post for today \o/

Nov 15, 2011 16:45

Morning, walking, exploring, lunch, afternoon, walking, exploring, dinner, walking ( Read more... )

!the cinderbreach, !cinderilla mountains, !libet

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for team two! payback November 15 2011, 23:47:31 UTC
[Rin for her part is looking around a little frantically to see who they still have.]

Did we lose anyone?! Let's get a head count right now!


courageous_wit November 16 2011, 00:04:03 UTC
I... I'm all right. That was a close call.


luthored November 16 2011, 00:08:39 UTC
[ Only 2/5 of us are visible, Rin, what do you think?! But no really she's coughing and trying to wave away the dust, so she hasn't had much of a chance to look around yet. ]


courageous_wit November 16 2011, 01:47:56 UTC
[normally Hermione would clear it all away with magic, but since she can't do that she must wave it away by hand]

Oh, no.... We are missing people, after all.


_fredless November 16 2011, 03:26:19 UTC
[It takes Fred a minute -- and then a few more -- to push the gravel and rocks that landed over her. None of them were large, but it still wasn't an experience she would like to keep. Standing up, she looks for Lana and Arthur]


luthored November 16 2011, 05:38:20 UTC
[ She is finally standing up, one hand to her lower back with a wince. Some rubble hit her square in her back, but she doesn't predict more than a bruise. Hopefully at least. ]

Ugh... Fred? Arthur? Is everyone okay?


_fredless November 16 2011, 20:10:58 UTC
[There's something damp on her cheek and Fred presses the back of her palm to it, realizing the falling ruble must've caught her face. Still, it doesn't feel like more than a scratch. She'll -- they'll all -- be sore for a few days? But she's also survived worse.

Fred makes her way over to Lana]

I'll be alright... [She looks around them] What about you?


payback November 16 2011, 05:03:55 UTC
Let's make sure everyone in our reach is all right. We can't do anything for the people we're separate from, but we can look after the group.


luthored November 16 2011, 05:38:58 UTC
What are we going to do? Are we staying here for the night, or continuing on?


payback November 16 2011, 07:28:29 UTC
... Personally... I don't see a way anyone can reach us here. We might be on our own. I think we should move to at least find a better place to sleep. But I'll put it to a vote?


luthored November 16 2011, 08:59:00 UTC
Well... I definitely think we should move on. If there's another earthquake, we want to be as far away from the edge as possible, and in an area where we can find better cover, like strong archways.


payback November 16 2011, 09:54:40 UTC
We're a long way away from the other groups anyway, from the looks of it... I think our chances are better if we leave this point and keep an eye out to meet up with them later.


eternityalone November 17 2011, 03:58:51 UTC
Staying in one place doesn't seem to be part of the grand plan to this place. I vote for leaving.


payback November 17 2011, 05:17:36 UTC

I agree. And we seem to be unanimous on leaving so far.


eternityalone November 20 2011, 03:19:48 UTC
Works for me. [She'll make with the following.]


payback November 20 2011, 05:59:13 UTC
[They're off to find the exit, the wonderful exit of Libet!]


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