(no subject)

Nov 20, 2011 18:24

[It seems as though there is nothing but chaos in the castle. After all, those you have designated your most designated of miscreants are in the process of being freed. Well, as far as you know. Whatever is truly going down in the bowels of the Peace Patrol's prison hold, it is most certainly something loud, something ostenatious, and something that requires one hell of an effort by those left behind.

Why, one could say that the commotion is just big enough for something big to go down, unnoticed by the general populace.

One by one, the devices are set in place. The figures move quickly, the experience of having done such a routine in three other places of similar structure. At this point, it takes them simply minutes to get around the building, hitting the last of the sweet spots before taking a step back, looking at the device set in place.

Those bombs sure did decorate the outposts quite well.

They would have to be even quicker if their escape would go off without a hitch, though. Perhaps even quicker than their work, their exit is handled in a similar manner: swift, efficient, the work of professionals.

And as they venture to the horizon?

One by one, the bombs go off... leaving nothing but fire in their wake.]

(Note: Anyone is still free to act/react to the "mass breakout" (because although it's only Joshua being freed, it's looking to be played off as all prisoners escaping) either within the post itself (we have added a section HERE if you want to utilize that) or simply have your characters strategize via the journal! :U

Or you can notice the smoke off in the distance, too. That is also a thing that could happen. If you want.)
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