Forward dated to Sunday (11/20)

Nov 19, 2011 19:07

[Peace Patrol Prison]

[There's a visitor casually striding toward the row of prison cells in the Peace Patrol's prison. Not that anyone is currently aware of it. Veiled by an illusion, the visitor passes by each cell, fingers trailing along the bars of the cells. Prisoners can likely hear soft taps echoing from the bars, but the source is invisible.

Passing by each cell, the visitor only stops when it reaches the end of the row, turning toward a peculiar cell made of glass. The visitor smiles, finding exactly who they were looking for.

There's a light tap on the glass, Joshua.]

(ooc: As the title says, forward dated to Sunday! For now, the visitor is still veiled so that other prisoners and guards cannot see or hear them, but don't worry. They'll show their face soon enough and others will have a chance to react to what is about to take place. We just wanted this to get done early so we could have a decent head start on this side. ;)

Edit: Joshua's out of his cell at this point, and the alarms will sound any time now. A guard is free to spot the escapee and perhaps his accomplice, and maybe some noisy prisoners can say something, too!

EDIT X2: ALARMS ARE SOUNDING! Joshua and his accomplice have fled the scene! Maladict was the guard on duty, and she's been locked into Joshua's cell for the time being. Anyone at all is free to hurry down and see what all the ruckus is about.)
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