𝛃 - 031

Nov 01, 2011 23:33

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else maintained their shrines from last year's Dia de los Muertos?

Filtered to Sweets
You got an opening soon? [Okay, so she hasn't been good about upkeep, but even she realizes right now she was a bit of a mess before she got all the bad news.]

Filtered to Noble Six
Lieutenant, SITREP. [In this case ( Read more... )

kat s-320

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Comments 93

lonenoble November 2 2011, 06:45:19 UTC
Adjusting to the situation. Injuries are healing.

[There's a pause before she give in to the concerned impulse.] You?


Noble Six inmylight_comdr November 2 2011, 06:54:05 UTC
Good to hear. You have any questions?

[And there's a pause before she answers. She's better than before, but it's still not at all easy for her.] Managing. Just have to entirely redefine my existence here.


Kat lonenoble November 2 2011, 07:09:37 UTC
Not really so far. Adapting well.

Because of what I told you?


Six inmylight_comdr November 2 2011, 14:09:13 UTC
We'll see what happens when the castle throws you a curveball. [Not that she's worried. Considering Six's track record Kat figured she could handle just about everything.]

It sort of ruins my zen about just enduring this place until I get to go kick some more Covvie ass. [Wry, but there's a bitterness to it she can't hide. It's not directed at Six, but it's there nonetheless.]


kat } zone_of_truth November 2 2011, 16:59:27 UTC
[checking his calendar]

Tomorrow around four?


Sweets inmylight_comdr November 2 2011, 19:19:45 UTC
Perfect. I'll be there.

I probably should have come to you sooner. I'm not used to setting up my own appointments like this. [Her job was just to show up at them.]


kat } zone_of_truth November 2 2011, 19:22:33 UTC
If you want we could schedule a regular weekly appointment?


Sweets inmylight_comdr November 2 2011, 19:37:18 UTC
[She hesitates. Psych Evals weren't really something she ever enjoyed, but given everything that's happened recently, she's starting to realize just one little session might not cover it all.] That ... might be a good idea, yes.


encryptedlock November 2 2011, 19:29:54 UTC
...Mine's getting a little dusty, but I kept it.

[He couldn't just throw away the little dedication to Carolina, after all.]


inmylight_comdr November 2 2011, 19:40:41 UTC
[York already knows how important Kat's has been to her.]

I've got to add some more name to mine, if what Six says is true. [Kat remembers that conversation about Carolina.]

So, is this normal for the castle? To introduce a holiday and then not repeat it? Is it maybe hoping we'll continue it without the push?


encryptedlock November 2 2011, 19:44:38 UTC
You know, I haven't added the ones Wash told me about. I mean, they say we go right back to the time we left, but nobody can really confirm that, can they? Maybe things can change.

Depends on the holiday. It's always had Christmas. Also, Kat? "Normal" and "castle" in the same sentance is asking for trouble.


inmylight_comdr November 2 2011, 19:55:18 UTC
Whether or not we do, they deserve to be remembered. [Although she didn't know all the details, she knew enough to guess that she went out before the majority of her team. That wasn't stopping her from memorializing them. They would always be her family.]

[She snorts a laugh at that.] I've been here too long.


odst_mute November 3 2011, 00:33:21 UTC
Shrines, ma'am? [Color him curious, as usual.

... And that he might of heard York mentioning something about you needing to speak with him, so yeah. Whatchu need, Spartan?]


inmylight_comdr November 3 2011, 01:34:56 UTC
[Oh right, that was before your time.] Last year the castle celebrated Dia de los Muertos. In order to get out of our rooms, we had to build a shrine honoring deceased loved ones. I kept mine.

Filtered to Lance Corporal Dante

Glad you decided to get in contact with me, Lance Corporal. Wanted to brief you on our newest UNSC addition.


odst_mute November 3 2011, 02:48:37 UTC
Huh. Doesn't sound like such a bad holiday if that's all the castle did.

[And then he'll just tilt his head, keeping that same level of interest as he tossed up a filter as well.]

Lieutenant Commander Kat

You have my attention. [Even if he's pretty sure it was no one he knew, but still.]


inmylight_comdr November 3 2011, 03:37:26 UTC
I think there might have been repercussions if you didn't make a shrine. You'd have to ask Washington about that.

Lance Corporal Dante

Noble Six has joined us. Have you met her yet?


nocturnalrage November 5 2011, 21:57:43 UTC
[Toothless tends to avoid the graveyard if he can-- the scent and atmosphere of death lingers about it too much for his tastes-- but his curiosity is perked when he sees Kat.

She looks a lot different with her armor off. In fact, Toothless doesn't even recognize her. That's why he's not going to pointedly stay away, and instead start to come over, a curious look about him as he makes a small hum to announce his presence.]


inmylight_comdr November 6 2011, 02:46:06 UTC
[She glances over at him, a flash of annoyance ghosting over face.]

Oh. It's you.

Sorry I don't have any fancy tech for you to chew on. [She wasn't about to give up her arm. :| ]


nocturnalrage November 6 2011, 03:51:47 UTC
[The voice actually startles him enough that he jumps back a little. He narrows his eyes and growls softly, but only momentarily. He looks at the stone that Kat's sitting in front of and gives a snort.

Why is she sitting in front of a rock.]


inmylight_comdr November 6 2011, 04:50:26 UTC
[Kat watches Toothless, then glances at her grave before giving a wry chuckle.]

You probably don't understand, do you? [She pauses for a moment, thinking, and then mimes choking and dieing, and points at the rock. It's a long shot, but worth a try.]


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