𝛃 - 031

Nov 01, 2011 23:33

Just out of curiosity, has anyone else maintained their shrines from last year's Dia de los Muertos?

Filtered to Sweets
You got an opening soon? [Okay, so she hasn't been good about upkeep, but even she realizes right now she was a bit of a mess before she got all the bad news.]

Filtered to Noble Six
Lieutenant, SITREP. [In this case ( Read more... )

kat s-320

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nocturnalrage November 5 2011, 21:57:43 UTC
[Toothless tends to avoid the graveyard if he can-- the scent and atmosphere of death lingers about it too much for his tastes-- but his curiosity is perked when he sees Kat.

She looks a lot different with her armor off. In fact, Toothless doesn't even recognize her. That's why he's not going to pointedly stay away, and instead start to come over, a curious look about him as he makes a small hum to announce his presence.]


inmylight_comdr November 6 2011, 02:46:06 UTC
[She glances over at him, a flash of annoyance ghosting over face.]

Oh. It's you.

Sorry I don't have any fancy tech for you to chew on. [She wasn't about to give up her arm. :| ]


nocturnalrage November 6 2011, 03:51:47 UTC
[The voice actually startles him enough that he jumps back a little. He narrows his eyes and growls softly, but only momentarily. He looks at the stone that Kat's sitting in front of and gives a snort.

Why is she sitting in front of a rock.]


inmylight_comdr November 6 2011, 04:50:26 UTC
[Kat watches Toothless, then glances at her grave before giving a wry chuckle.]

You probably don't understand, do you? [She pauses for a moment, thinking, and then mimes choking and dieing, and points at the rock. It's a long shot, but worth a try.]


nocturnalrage November 6 2011, 16:38:10 UTC
[Toothless makes an uncertain noise at the sudden charades, his eyes following her pointing finger.

For awhile, he looks at the tombstone, contemplatively...

And then looks at Kat and just gives a confused noise. What.]


inmylight_comdr November 10 2011, 16:15:27 UTC
Heh, somehow I didn't think that would work.

Maybe you're better off not knowing. I'm sure this little graveyard looks a lot better without the meaning behind it. [She fixates on her tombstone and frowns, rethinking her experience with Isis, and back at home in New Alexandria.]


nocturnalrage November 12 2011, 02:05:44 UTC
[s k e p t i c a l . . .

Toothless gives a soft grunt and sniffs the tombstone, then pokes it with a claw, as though this would tell him something.

It doesn't.]


inmylight_comdr November 13 2011, 15:00:32 UTC
Yup, that's me. [She pokes a finger at her own chest to indicate a connection with the tombstone.]


nocturnalrage November 13 2011, 21:29:55 UTC
[He gives a confused noise at that, although he definitely understood her words.

She is in front of him. And she is not a rock. He looks at her, looks at the tombstone, looks at her...

Then snorts and gives a toss of his head before turning around and lumbering away. What a strange human, getting all defensive over giant shiny heaps and sitting in front of a rock and claiming it to be her.]


inmylight_comdr November 14 2011, 00:47:00 UTC
Hey, it's more then I would have gotten at home. Fine, suit yourself. [Geez, Kat, you're talking to a non-sentient animal. Get a grip.]


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