
Sep 30, 2011 02:24

Wow, some of you people really need to chill out. I understand some of you probably have hero complexes from being goody-goodies in your own world, but the number of people butting into conversations and trying to be "righteous" is getting annoying. [Yeah Maya, she's annoyed at you.]Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man how to ( Read more... )

asuka langley soryu

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Comments 114

thatsnotnancy September 30 2011, 09:37:00 UTC

"My name is Asuka and I have opinions!"


hatesdolls September 30 2011, 09:40:25 UTC
Oh, you. I totally forgot you existed for a while there.


thatsnotnancy September 30 2011, 09:52:04 UTC
Aww. I could never forget about you.


hatesdolls September 30 2011, 09:53:14 UTC
I didn't need the reminder to lock my doors and windows, but thanks anyway.


deathwarder September 30 2011, 14:28:56 UTC
Wisely stated.


hatesdolls September 30 2011, 21:24:39 UTC
Is that sarcasm?


deathwarder September 30 2011, 22:38:21 UTC
Not at all. People should be left to their own devices, with minimal intrusion from foolish do gooders.


hatesdolls October 1 2011, 04:32:09 UTC
Right. It's no wonder all the so called good guys seem to have sticks up their asses.


clarklike September 30 2011, 16:19:28 UTC
I think there's something wrong with a society that teaches people to be "less vulnerable" instead of "less malign."


hatesdolls September 30 2011, 21:25:39 UTC
The "vulnerable" are easier to change.


clarklike October 2 2011, 02:12:20 UTC
Only because it's short term. And then what? Bullies move on to other targets? That won't change anything.


hatesdolls October 2 2011, 05:05:15 UTC
Then teach them to man up long term! I'm sure it's possible.


decibel_chamber September 30 2011, 17:09:51 UTC
Aww, not get yer daily dose o' bullyin' t'make yerself feel better?

Some folks are gentle by nature. Haven't seen th' nastiness o' life that leads t'folks like us. We butt in because we don' want 'em t'be like us.

An' really, we've as much right t'butt t'proect th' weak folks as you do t'bully 'em t'make yerself seem important. If you don' like it, yer free t'do somethin' about it, if ya think ya can.


hatesdolls September 30 2011, 21:36:05 UTC
Nice way to assume, jerk.


decibel_chamber September 30 2011, 21:44:44 UTC
What? That yer a bully that likes t'pick on people different or weaker'n her? There's no assumption there, jus' fact. Y'wouldn' be complainin' about people gettin' in yer business, if there were no business t'be gettin' into after all. "Heroic" folks rarely butt inta other people's business without reason.


hatesdolls October 1 2011, 04:34:28 UTC
Who says I was taking about my own experiences? Maybe I've just seen this happen.


optimystically September 30 2011, 18:36:38 UTC
Oh, so you're always grumpy like this.


hatesdolls September 30 2011, 21:36:15 UTC
I'm not grumpy!


optimystically October 1 2011, 21:41:46 UTC
You should take a poll of everyone answering this, I thiiiink they might agree with me.


hatesdolls October 1 2011, 22:14:32 UTC
People agreeing doesn't mean that they're right.


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