13 traps filled with stay puft marshmallows

Sep 02, 2011 15:18

[Ray wakes up to find himself in a big, cozy log cabin, with minimal appliances and modern creature comforts. One wall is lined with built-in bookcases, which house scrapbooks and journals and magazines and Old Musty Books full of memories and facts. There's a big, beautiful stone fireplace up against one wall, but instead of animal heads, there ( Read more... )

ray stantz

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Comments 49

invisibill September 2 2011, 19:34:08 UTC
[Danny had hastily left his own headspace. It was uncomfortable, confronting just how much his two identities had bled over into each other. Sure, he was comfortable saying that he was a ghost and a human. But that was different from seeing the weapons and trophies of his life as a ghost blended in with his human life.

After wandering around for a few minutes he decides to go in searh of some of the people he knew here. Maybe they would have a better idea what was going on. He makes his way up to Ray's room and knocks on the door.]

Hey! Anyone home?


ectobabble September 7 2011, 03:42:43 UTC
[Ray's doppelganger looks up from his reading, and smiles] Hey, Danny, c'mon in!


invisibill September 7 2011, 03:55:08 UTC
Great! At least someone sane is still around here.

[Danny steps into the room.]


ectobabble September 7 2011, 23:16:14 UTC
So... people's livin' spaces physically manifesting automatically makes 'em insane? Or is it just that a lotta people can't deal with it all that easily?


justcharles September 3 2011, 04:48:25 UTC
[Charles, while hesitant to leave his own headspace, nevertheless was curious about what others had going on in their minds. To that end, he'd left his room in the capable hands of his able-bodied Dream!Self, and had going looking around. Seeing the title of "Dr." on Ray's door had made him curious, so he wheeled himself in, abandoning his wheelchair as soon as his legs returned to him, as he had grown used to, his Astral Form allowing for his legs to function again. He'll be examining the glass cases, getting a definite sense of residual psychokinetic energy emanating from them. He could tell immediately that he was going to like this man.]


ectobabble September 7 2011, 03:44:31 UTC
[Ray's doppel is carefully arranging some of the smaller knick-knacks on a farther shelf, and turns as the newcomer starts poking around]

Oh, hey. You're a new face! ... I'm Ray. Well. I'm Ray's persona, t'be more precise. I hope that doesn't bother you any.


justcharles September 8 2011, 03:57:24 UTC
[Charles turns and smiles at his host, offering a hand.]

Oh, not at all. As it happens, I've one myself, keeping things straight in my room while I'm out and about. I'm Charles Xavier.


ectobabble September 9 2011, 01:56:10 UTC
Nice to meet'cha. [he shakes his hand, emphatically]

I'm not sure if I'll re-integrate back into Ray's mind once things go back to normal, so maybe he'll remember this like he was here, maybe he won't ... we'll see. If nothin' else, it'll be really interesting to find out.


hiccuphaddock September 4 2011, 18:51:52 UTC
[Hiccup was lucky in that his room seemed to be one of the few unchanged, but that didn't stop him from occasionally gawking at the rooms of others. It was too much to resist, really; the castle had really outdone itself this time. He sticks his head into Ray's room, seeing the doppelganger, and stepping inside.]

So you didn't escape it too, huh.


ectobabble September 7 2011, 03:45:45 UTC
[the doppel grins, just as glad to see a familiar face as Ray himself would be]

Why would I want to? It's pretty neat, don'cha think? Getting to see a physical manifestation of both conscious and unconscious thought?


hiccuphaddock September 9 2011, 21:47:54 UTC
I guess so, if that's what's going on.

[Hiccup grins a little sheepishly at him.]

Guess that means you're not upset with me for just walking in?


ectobabble September 12 2011, 01:27:44 UTC
Nope, not at all! You're a friend'a mine, after all. Why wouldn't I let you know what I'm thinkin'?


ar0se September 6 2011, 00:34:15 UTC

oh hi dr ray
whats up :D


ectobabble September 7 2011, 03:47:25 UTC
Well, hey, Aradia! Welcome to my psyche. Well, sort of. [he smiles, and waves her in. he looks a bit like a chubbier version of that Crosbytop artifact]


ar0se September 7 2011, 15:27:08 UTC
[Haha, who's this douchebag? Aradia comes on in and has a look around. Oooh, marshmallows.]

your psyche huh
its a very cozy psyche then :)


ectobabble September 7 2011, 23:19:27 UTC
Thanks! Probably comes from havin' a while to figure out who I am. Some of it still needs a little work, but nothing's perfect. ... How're you doing with havin' your own head to run around in?


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