13 traps filled with stay puft marshmallows

Sep 02, 2011 15:18

[Ray wakes up to find himself in a big, cozy log cabin, with minimal appliances and modern creature comforts. One wall is lined with built-in bookcases, which house scrapbooks and journals and magazines and Old Musty Books full of memories and facts. There's a big, beautiful stone fireplace up against one wall, but instead of animal heads, there ( Read more... )

ray stantz

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invisibill September 2 2011, 19:34:08 UTC
[Danny had hastily left his own headspace. It was uncomfortable, confronting just how much his two identities had bled over into each other. Sure, he was comfortable saying that he was a ghost and a human. But that was different from seeing the weapons and trophies of his life as a ghost blended in with his human life.

After wandering around for a few minutes he decides to go in searh of some of the people he knew here. Maybe they would have a better idea what was going on. He makes his way up to Ray's room and knocks on the door.]

Hey! Anyone home?


ectobabble September 7 2011, 03:42:43 UTC
[Ray's doppelganger looks up from his reading, and smiles] Hey, Danny, c'mon in!


invisibill September 7 2011, 03:55:08 UTC
Great! At least someone sane is still around here.

[Danny steps into the room.]


ectobabble September 7 2011, 23:16:14 UTC
So... people's livin' spaces physically manifesting automatically makes 'em insane? Or is it just that a lotta people can't deal with it all that easily?


invisibill September 9 2011, 13:32:17 UTC
Nah, that parts practically normal. But have you seen how many people are spazzing?

[About this point Danny notices the decor and shudders. This was bringing back way too many memories.]

Um, what's with the hunting lodge theme?


ectobabble September 9 2011, 21:10:30 UTC
I haven't, no... but I guess it'd be rough for anyone who isn't really in touch with themselves.

Oh, it's ... more a camp than a lodge. It's my aunt's old place, more or less. The mementoes are more just keys to important memories from back home... somethin' wrong?


invisibill September 10 2011, 17:51:57 UTC
[He shrugs uncomfortably.]

Bad memories of a place that looked a lot like this. No big deal.


ectobabble September 12 2011, 01:23:39 UTC
Yeah? ... M'sorry to hear that. Camp Waconda was my favorite place, growin' up - I guess that's why it ended up being the physical manifestation of my psyche. I could try and change it while you're here if it really bugs ya, though...


invisibill September 12 2011, 01:28:30 UTC
Don't bother. It just gave me a bit of a surprise.

[As long as the fruitloop and the clones didn't show up here too he could deal.]


ectobabble September 12 2011, 01:50:45 UTC
Oh, okay. That's good. I wouldn't wanna make you uncomfortable. ... Which ... is probably where I should mention that I'm not actually me, right now. Well. I sort of am. I'm a physical representation of Ray's psyche. He's actually out around the castle somewhere, right now.

... That doesn't bug you too much, I hope ...


invisibill September 12 2011, 01:53:16 UTC
Yeah... I kind of already had a run-in with one of those.


ectobabble September 12 2011, 03:08:03 UTC
"Run-in" isn't usually a fun-related choice of words. Everything okay?


invisibill September 12 2011, 03:19:41 UTC
Oh everything is just fine. [For finding out my mindspace is kind of creepy. And my inner self is an all-business ghost version of me.]


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