fourth cycle

Jun 24, 2011 19:07

[Dated to shortly after the Navy has left the Jolly Roger.]

[Filtered away from the Navy]

The Navy attacked us, and we didn't do anything! Not to them, not to anyone else! We've been on our best behavior and they came in, wrecked our ship, and kidnapped some of our friends ( Read more... )

!route b, !pirates, gibson

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Comments 75

[Filter forever!] yamanaka June 25 2011, 01:53:32 UTC
They attacked you?

-- Did you see who was taken? And any description of the Navy members would help too.


bostrumite June 25 2011, 02:08:14 UTC
Yeah. The only warning we got was a few cannonballs through the hull.

They got Kite and Aradia. And the captain, and a bunch of other people--I didn't recognize everyone, but there were a lot. Maybe a dozen.

As for the Navy, the one that grabbed Kite was a--[how does one even describe it]--a big ugly guy with a yellow suit and a white coat, short hair, he rode over to the ship on a cannonball, he shot lasers from his eyes, and he blew up part of the ship without even trying.

There was a woman with yellow hair and light wings, a, a woman with long black hair, and there might have been more but I didn't catch sight of them.


yamanaka June 25 2011, 02:12:15 UTC
Jeez ... [fff] Was anyone else injured? Or do you guys have that covered?

I don't know if I recognize any of those people .... but that's definitely not good. Any idea which direction they headed? --And where are you guys right now??


bostrumite June 25 2011, 02:16:03 UTC
We're off the coast of Death Hill, and they went--out into the open ocean, they haven't turned any particular direction yet.

I don't know what casualties look like, but I know there's no way we got through that without anyone getting hurt. What we're supposed to do about it with a busted ship stuck in a ruined desert town is beyond me.


Filter cheerupemoborg June 25 2011, 02:24:34 UTC
Congratulations, you've just witnessed the castles antics first-hand.


bostrumite June 25 2011, 02:25:54 UTC
[...He's no stranger to sarcasm.]

And the other ships didn't, and might not know what they're up against.


cheerupemoborg June 25 2011, 02:34:01 UTC
Chances are high that they will.

This will all generate more drama when we return, I guarantee it.


bostrumite June 25 2011, 02:37:22 UTC
Now that someone actually bothered to say something, yeah.

You think?


[Filter forever] hulloeverything June 25 2011, 04:01:46 UTC
Gibson? Are you alright? Who was taken?


bostrumite June 25 2011, 04:06:38 UTC
Doctor. I'm fine. [Just a little butthurt that he wasn't more useful during the fight.]

Kite, Aradia, about ten or so others I don't know.

[cough amy pond cough]


hulloeverything June 25 2011, 04:09:33 UTC

Kite and Aradia? No... I know both of them can take care of themselves in the best of circumstances... but Kite was turned human and if they managed to subdue Aradia... [sigh]

We'll get them back... somehow.


bostrumite June 25 2011, 04:18:13 UTC
I know Kite can, if he wasn't--handicapped like this. Just like me, he isn't at half his potential when he's been turned human. And they had full powers.

[He sighs.]

I'd go after them myself, but, ah, we have to get this boat working again first.


teds_up June 25 2011, 04:17:01 UTC
[Oh. That's bad. That's really bad. It kind of jerks Ted back into reality, too. It's hard to remember there are people struggling on pirate ships elsewhere when he's so comfortable on a cruise liner.]

You alright, Gibson?


bostrumite June 25 2011, 04:19:09 UTC
[He would be so jealous if he had a realistic view of exactly how easy you Route C-ers have it right now.]

I'm all right, thanks. Just keep a lookout for the Navy, yeah?


teds_up June 25 2011, 04:21:15 UTC
[Here's an idea of it.]

Uh, I don't think they'd... go after a cruise liner.


bostrumite June 25 2011, 04:25:17 UTC
They came after us when we did nothing to provoke them.

What's a "cruise liner"?


(Hope you don't mind backdating?) is0latedthinker June 26 2011, 05:53:51 UTC
You were turned human?

Who was taken? [Not Gibson, at least, but hopefully not Sam, not Sam, not Sam...]


Any time, bro bostrumite June 26 2011, 05:57:49 UTC
I think so, anyway. And let me tell you, eating and drinking is not all it's cracked up to be. Give me regular energy any day.

[And then his tone gets serious again.] Kite, Aradia, and about ten other people I didn't recognize or catch the names of. I don't think you know any of them.

Is everything all right on your ship?


*brofist* is0latedthinker June 26 2011, 17:18:01 UTC
Don't like the taste? One of these days you'll have to show me how this 'energy' works.

Kite and Aradia... [Kite had the poem and Aradia the painting. He hadn't had much contact with them, but they were nice; Kite seemed a little nervous and Aradia was sweet. He feels bad but breathes a tiny sigh of relief - at least Sam's safe.]

Yes, everything's been fine. We're on some sort of cruise ship, and the island natives we encountered were a little suspicious at first but warmed up to us.

Hopefully this 'Navy' stays away from everyone from now on.


bostrumite June 26 2011, 18:46:05 UTC
I'm told that salt pork and hardtack are not the epitome of human cuisine, but that's what we have.

[Believe him, if it had been Sam, he would have rushed the pirates (and been captured) himself. It was hard enough to resist it when it was Kite.]

You must be with Ted then? Wish I could be there. I just hope we get someplace safe--and that the Navy minds their own business from now on.


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