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payback June 18 2011, 22:58:37 UTC
[H-holy cow...

Back from the expedition, clean, warm, well-fed and dry, Rin reads through this letter three times, faster each time. She can hardly believe it.

"An answer to be made not with haste but with consideration", Alexstrasza says... but Rin is all haste and she hardly needs to think about it. But how to respond to a letter like this? Of course, Alexstrasza provides the answer again with her presence, her pull, and in moments Rin is on Tad's back, riding towards the tree and reining him up there, looking around. Is the Life-Binder here? Or will she come if called...?]


nurturing June 20 2011, 20:17:55 UTC
It would include all manners of life. The air, the plants, the creature within this world...all of it. Not simply those you have come to know.

Even those you call "Outsiders" or the beasts within Eldrich Forest. You must be able to see with eyes unclouded if the time calls for it...even if they have wronged you in the past. That is what it means to guard life.


payback June 23 2011, 03:29:28 UTC
I don't hate any of them! I'd rather not do harm - I'd try to avoid hurting them, if it was possible, if we could talk instead of fighting.


nurturing June 24 2011, 03:35:55 UTC
Than that is all I ask of you.


payback June 24 2011, 05:54:49 UTC
[hesitant, now -]

... There might be something, though...


nurturing June 24 2011, 06:26:14 UTC


payback June 26 2011, 00:51:41 UTC
I'm on a quest for revenge.


nurturing June 26 2011, 02:00:39 UTC


payback June 26 2011, 02:20:13 UTC
The man who killed my parents... I'm supposed to kill him, too.


nurturing June 26 2011, 02:25:43 UTC
An interesting choice of words to use, Young One. Is it "supposed to", or "will"?


payback June 26 2011, 04:05:11 UTC
[a pause; oh no. Don't confront that, don't make her admit what a shitty avenger she is and how many doubts she has.]

It's pointless to try stuff here! Where people come back from the dead... but just, that I want that...


nurturing June 26 2011, 04:10:38 UTC
It is fine Young One.


payback June 26 2011, 04:12:11 UTC
It's kind of contrary to your whole thing, isn't it?


nurturing June 26 2011, 04:17:29 UTC
It is true that my flight will never take unnecessary life. If there is a chance for redemption and forgiveness we will seek it. But even I have fallen prey to acts of vengeance in the past, long ago.

It is..."human".


payback June 26 2011, 04:20:52 UTC
So it would be all right?


nurturing June 26 2011, 04:33:41 UTC
There is never anything "right" about taking the life of another being for anything but necessity. To survive, to protect...but never for personal gain, pride, or want. I mourn every life I must end for each is scared in it's own way.

So long as you realize the value of that which you seek to take as well as the burdens that come with it, I shall not speak out against your actions; for they are your own, and no one else's.


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