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payback June 18 2011, 22:58:37 UTC
[H-holy cow...

Back from the expedition, clean, warm, well-fed and dry, Rin reads through this letter three times, faster each time. She can hardly believe it.

"An answer to be made not with haste but with consideration", Alexstrasza says... but Rin is all haste and she hardly needs to think about it. But how to respond to a letter like this? Of course, Alexstrasza provides the answer again with her presence, her pull, and in moments Rin is on Tad's back, riding towards the tree and reining him up there, looking around. Is the Life-Binder here? Or will she come if called...?]


payback June 19 2011, 07:53:53 UTC

I'd like to do it.


nurturing June 19 2011, 07:55:07 UTC
--I had hope you would dwell upon it for longer.


payback June 19 2011, 08:05:44 UTC
You're not going to hurt me, are you?


nurturing June 19 2011, 08:07:38 UTC
[ the tranquility of the grove wavers just a bit with her hurt at those words ): ]

I would never turn my claws upon the mortal races without absolute necessity and just case....please know this.


payback June 19 2011, 08:22:46 UTC
I didn't think you would.

If you want me to think more about it I will...


nurturing June 19 2011, 08:25:38 UTC
I could not forgive myself if you were to regret such a hasty choice in the future.


payback June 19 2011, 08:41:20 UTC
What else does it mean, Alexstrasza?


nurturing June 19 2011, 08:49:27 UTC
An oath such as this is life-binding... It is a pledge of your loyalty above all else to the flight with whom you receive the blessing of. Regardless of personal loyalties those sworn to dragons must honor that oath; for it is tied to their very existence.

The bond is sacred...and I would not force that upon one whom does not know the full extent to which they commit.


payback June 19 2011, 09:02:33 UTC
So I guess, what would it stop me from doing?


nurturing June 19 2011, 09:04:07 UTC
There are some who would find the notion of having to place those they care for second to a cause...to promising their life to something for as long as they live.


payback June 19 2011, 09:07:22 UTC
Your cause here is delving into the castle's mysteries, right-? And protecting people.


nurturing June 19 2011, 09:12:03 UTC


payback June 19 2011, 09:34:40 UTC
Which would include protecting the people I care about.


nurturing June 19 2011, 16:54:55 UTC
It would be on a larger scale than simply protecting people as they are now.


payback June 20 2011, 19:59:09 UTC
Like how?


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