𝛃 - 022

May 16, 2011 18:18

[She's spent the last couple days dismantalling her PeaceBerry and integrating it with her Data Pad. No point in carrying both around; it won't all fit in her Tactical Hard Pouch with the journal. Of course, once that's done, she has to test it to make sure it all works.]

PEACE PATROL FILTER via PeaceBerry; Voice MessageThis is Lieutenant ( Read more... )

kat s-320

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Comments 214

Kat encryptedlock May 17 2011, 01:33:02 UTC
Okay, first of all, you do know Delta and I share a pair of eyes, right?

I do have to say, I haven't worked too much with Yuan. Seems like he's very perceptive, though, and I guess he was in some kind of position of power at home. Been here longer than me--one of the few. And I don't know, maybe he has blue hair but I'd trust him to lead before I'd trust half the kids in this castle.

Are you following the standard Falcon design or adding in improvements?


York & Delta inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 01:42:05 UTC
Yes, but I didn't want to bore you with advanced equations. [Teasing, teasing ... or is she?]

Longer than you? That is impressive. Good to know he has that sort of experience with this place under his belt. And hey -- blue is the superior color. [Pride? Oh yes. There is that.]

Adding improvements. I figured I could fit an extra seat or two in if I made them about twenty percent smaller. No need to accommodate a full team of Spartans. [Since, sob, there's only one]


Kat encryptedlock May 17 2011, 01:48:30 UTC
If you think I'm bored by advanced tech, how do you think I share a head with an AI?

It's--well, from when I started taking map data, it's less than ten percent that have been here as long as me or longer. I don't know about blue, though. Always been fond of green myself.

Acknowledged. May I suggest a change in materials, then? Cost of materials is not an issue; titanium alloy would be both stronger and lighter.


York & Delta Forever inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 01:59:41 UTC
[She laughs] True. Alright, you can look over his shoulder.

Fascinating. Has anyone tried to do a detailed census? Worlds, languages, powers, technology vs. magic? And, well, I guess green is okay, too.

[she makes some quick notations with approximate weight converions against the schematics of the original.] That'll work, I think. Is there anything else we could change that might benefit this sort of setting?


Patrol Filter tomatoandbasil May 17 2011, 01:59:11 UTC
[Give her a moment to both fish it out of her pouch and figure out which button makes it work. Silly elf, being so tech dumb still.]

Hello, Kat, was it? This is Alleyne. I'm helping watch over the group exploring Insolitus. Er, hold on...

[That's when you hear a monster gurgle a bit as she arrows it right between the eyes.]

Do you need something?


Patrol Filter Forever inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 02:03:34 UTC
[Well, that sounds like something interesting going on.]

Negative. Just looking to touch base and introduce myself, and to ensure the modifications I made to my device worked out.

Sounds like you're having quite a party in there ... [Because gurgling monsters sound like gurgling aliens and gives her a warm, fuzzy feeling inside]


Hell yes! tomatoandbasil May 17 2011, 02:18:11 UTC
[She holds on another moment as she hrms. That's not a way of speaking she's quite used to hearing, despite her being technically elven military herself.]

It's actually a game of some kind. I'm not quite sure how it's working, but it seems like real enough combat. I'm coaching the younger ones tagging along.

Well met then, Kat. Are you new to the patrol like I am, or a veteran? You've quite an impressive title. And modify? You fiddled with this odd device? I can still only barely figure it out.


\o/ inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 02:34:29 UTC
Interesting. Wish I could see it for myself.

I'm new to the patrol. I've been at the castle itself for about eight months now, and in my own world I was second in command of a small fireteam for the past seven years.

[She can't help but chuckle.] Tech is my speciality. It's not too different from what I'm used to. Perhaps a little primative, even. [Still, she had to admit to herself it was pretty impressive to have come from someone from the 21st century, compared to her 26th]

What is the extent of technology you're used to, from your world?


[Peace Patrol Filter] mal_addict May 17 2011, 02:08:25 UTC
[It takes her a while to even find the right button to reply back with. Damn all technology that doesn't involve imps :/]

Corporal Maladict, in the kitchen, never understanding this technology lark.


[Peace Patrol Filter Forever] inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 02:22:26 UTC
[Ah yes, she remembers you.]

You need any one on one instruction as far as tech goes, let me know.

I'm assuming the kitchen's holding up alright? Anyone explode the microwave lately?


[Peace Patrol Filter Forever] mal_addict May 18 2011, 01:06:42 UTC
I might take you up on that offer. The guy I was learning comp-yu-ters from went home.

Not yet, but give them time. It's still early in the day.


inmylight_comdr May 18 2011, 02:23:18 UTC
Fortunately he's not the only one who knows his way around a 'com-yu-ter'.

You've got a point there. I wonder why the castle even bothers with one, with how often it ends up in pieces.


Peace Patrol filter too_fairytale May 17 2011, 02:57:03 UTC
[assuming Yuan actually let her in after she signed up, lol]

Um... Amy Pond, making dinner?


Peace Patrol filter forever inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 03:11:07 UTC
Thank you, Ms. Pond. Sounds like a quiet night so far?


too_fairytale May 17 2011, 03:30:02 UTC
[automatically opens her mouth to correct her--that's Mrs. Pond, thanks--but. She still hasn't really given any thought to changing her name, if at all, now that she's married. Maybe it doesn't matter, it's not like there's a legal system here where it WOULD matter]

Yuuuup... no weird crashes or explosions from up, down, or side to side. Unless trying not to burn a stir-fry counts.


inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 06:00:06 UTC
[Slightly bemused,] I think that's on my list of non-threats. Keep up the good work.


PP Filter ectobabble May 17 2011, 03:36:14 UTC
[Ray is still getting the hang of the PeaceBerry. he almost locks himself out of it a few times, then hits the wrong option and ends up playing WordMole for about five minutes. stupid huge thumbs. ... Kat even gets an SMS of some random keymash, before he finally figures out what he's doing]

Ray Stantz, in my room, workin' on traps. ... over?


PP Filter Forever inmylight_comdr May 17 2011, 04:05:24 UTC
[She'll lineface at the message. Oh, these people and their fun techy times.]

Working on some air support.

You talking about your supernatural traps?


ectobabble May 18 2011, 01:53:17 UTC
Yeah, that's them! I'm gonna do a demonstration of the tech and a basic supernatural primer at one of the Patrol meetings ... Yuan said it was a good idea, considering we've probably got a lot of members who might not have that sorta thing at home. And if something like Slenderman happens again ... I wanna know there are people who can be prepared.


inmylight_comdr May 18 2011, 02:46:14 UTC
That does sound like a good idea. I'll look forward to your presentation. [Dubiously curious, since she's got about the same regard for the supernatural as she does for magic. It makes her lineface all over the place, but she can't ignore it here.]


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