𝛃 - 022

May 16, 2011 18:18

[She's spent the last couple days dismantalling her PeaceBerry and integrating it with her Data Pad. No point in carrying both around; it won't all fit in her Tactical Hard Pouch with the journal. Of course, once that's done, she has to test it to make sure it all works.]

PEACE PATROL FILTER via PeaceBerry; Voice Message
This is Lieutenant Commander Kat Sierra-320 checking in. This is a test of the system. If you are recieving this, reply with your name and status.

Kat out.

[In between her filters, as she thinks of them, the journal picks up general sounds of tinkerings; Kat's moved her Falcon engine out to the grounds and erected a temporary hangar to keep it safe from the elements.]

Filtered to York
So. What can you tell me about your own experience with the Peace Patrol from the past? What are you expecting with Yuan in control?

Filtered to Delta
[She jots down some sketches and dimensions and equations, all outlining a little snag with the construction she's been having trouble with. Care to help? Probably a couple grease smears on the page, too]

Filtered to Rookie
[Scratches in a Page Number]
Have you had any thoughts about joining?

Filtered to Rarity
You know what, I've been thinking; I have a friend who could desperately use your services. I'd be more than willing to compensate if you could help him find a better fashion sense than what he's been going around in.

[[ooc: Open post, open journal!]]

kat s-320

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