004 - Bringing the First Taste of the Spring

Apr 15, 2011 15:25

[Ten's gone walking through the castle today, curious to explore the building that's causing them all so much fuss. He doesn't make it very far, though, before he spots a single acorn sitting right in the middle of the lobby.

Funny... it wasn't quite the right season for acorns, was it?

Picking it up, he'll turn it over in his palm, when he notices ( Read more... )

tenth doctor

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Comments 161

drivesaniisan April 15 2011, 21:39:14 UTC
[Walking by and... stops when he sees Ten. On the floor.]

... What on earth on you doing?


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:04:29 UTC
Well, technically, I think the answer to that would be nothing, since this is hardly the earth. [looking up with a smile] But then, that's not exactly the point of the question, I'd imagine.

I thought I'd seen something move, so I was looking for it... and I found something else altogether. Or... several things, actually.


drivesaniisan April 16 2011, 01:54:15 UTC
Do not waste my time with that nonsense. [Sorry, Ten, he doesn't appreciate your humor. D:]

... let me guess. Those damn black... things... that have been running around?


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 02:17:13 UTC
Everyone's a critic.

Yes... there do seem to be a lot of them, doesn't there? They're all over the castle, then?


mr_stealthypnts April 15 2011, 22:59:49 UTC
[Xander is wandering by and when he sees Ten on the floor he will stop to stare. Not that he knows this is the guy he spoke to quite yet. He will stare. If not for his new unfortunate loss there would probably be food frozen halfway to his mouth.]


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:02:49 UTC
[he's got his hand under the couch and he is apparently talking to something under it. Or possibly to himself. Really, either is probable at this point]

Why, there's a whole lot of you! Brilliant! Just how exactly did you all get down there?


mr_stealthypnts April 17 2011, 01:42:18 UTC
[His curiosity is far too much for him. He's leaning over now and trying to see underneath the couch...]

Who's own there?


n0secondchances April 19 2011, 01:11:43 UTC
[not even looking up at that] I'm not sure if it's a who as much as a what.

Ah! There we are! [and, successfully ushering one onto his hand, he'll pull one of the little soot sprites out into the light]


cheerupemoborg April 15 2011, 23:33:54 UTC
[Eh. Hank's seen weirder!]

Drop something?


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 00:48:59 UTC
Hmm? [glancing up from his position on the floor, completely nonplussed] No, not at all. But I might've found something.

[his gaze lingers though. Not surprised, but definitely curious. You aren't exactly the normal castle resident, are you?]


cheerupemoborg April 16 2011, 01:36:01 UTC
[He's used to staring, but Hank can't help but feel like he's met this person before.]

Let me guess: small and black, right?


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:45:14 UTC
[he doesn't stare very long. After all, he was hardly the first mix of man and machine that the Doctor had ever seen. He just happened to be the first here. The question immediately redirects his attention back to the couch] Yes indeed! A whole swarm of them. Rather shy little fellows, too.


hard_talker April 16 2011, 00:38:59 UTC
[one of the resident bookworms is doing some residential bookworming on his way to the kitchen for a soda and a snack. he's usually very good at steering via peripheral vision, but ... well ... he's at the part where the Journeyman finally breaks into the top secret facility to rescue his brother, and it's getting really really good and OH SHIT they just shot one of the main characters and ---

--- and he just tripped over Ten's expansive legs.


[both the book and the bookworm go flying, and Mark ends up sprawled across the lobby floor, just barely managing to catch himself from landing on his face]


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 00:43:04 UTC

[there's a startled shout where all of the dust sprites cower deeper in the shadows and one, lanky Doctor sits up in surprise]


hard_talker April 16 2011, 00:52:32 UTC
Sorry, I didn't -- OH! Doc Binary. [he blushes] Great. Just great. I didn't even see -- are you okay?


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 01:01:10 UTC
Mark! [very cheerfully answered, though his eyes are still serious. You've been through the ringer these past few days, boy, and he knows it] Oh, I'm quite alright.

You all together, over there?


bedninja April 16 2011, 02:02:50 UTC
[Quite suddenly, there's a little boy lying on his stomach beside the Doctor, peering under the couch curiously.]

...whatever they are, they seem quite small.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 02:18:58 UTC
[that's enough to get the Doctor's attention, though his surprise comes in the form of raised eyebrows] Seems to be a morning for all sorts of unexpected things.


bedninja April 16 2011, 02:41:30 UTC
[Tilting his head to look over at the Doctor and totally not noticing those raised eyebrows in a way that would be helpful to showing off the guy's surprise.]

I have noticed that mornings can be quite good for unexpected things, though! They seem to leave better impressions on people.


n0secondchances April 16 2011, 03:21:09 UTC
Quite so! Gives a nice twist to the start of the day.

[For the moment, his curiosity is fixed solely on the boy] How exactly did you do that?


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