[responsible adults; filtered away from anyone with an uncouth interest in the harm or jeopardy of children]
In the best interest of protecting the children remaining at the castle, we should entertain the possibility of moving them to the Dead Zone outposts until we have some idea what we're dealing with.
To avoid further spooking them when they're obviously already at wit's end, I'd suggest we filter any further panic and speculation away from the kids. This is a time where they need us to be at our strongest -- and if we're falling apart, they will be, too. Whoever or -- whatever is taking them out from under our noses is doing so with an unknown capacity for violence if the animal corpses are any indicator, and the danger to them is immediate. Responding quickly and with their well-being as priority is the only option left to us, but we have to remember that they're children -- and as such, we have to remain calm and in control.
If you have neighbors who are children, are taking care of children yourself, or are friendly with others in the castle -- I'm urging you to keep them under a watchful eye. Bringing them all together might be our best chance at catching the responsible party -- if we have a dozen eyes on them, one of us is bound to see-- something.
If you're interested in taking the trip to the Dead Zone zone with the children, please don't wait -- there is a teleporter in the basement with a password available on request to take you close to the border. Time is of the essence.
[filtered to children of the castle]
[his tone is softer, more gentle -- reassuring and calm tones, even and level. everything is okay...]
This is Father Abel, speaking--! I'd ask how you all are doing right now, but... I can guess. Things are getting a little scary right now, aren't they? I know it must be frightening, but it'll all be okay.
If you're alone right now, I'm going to ask you to find someone you trust and stay with them, alright? An adult you feel safe with. And if you're new to the castle and haven't met anyone like that yet -- you can come and find me, hm? I'm pretty hard to miss -- the tall priest with the white hair and glasses. I can come and meet you to take you somewhere safe, if you want. You don't need to feel scared or alone.
This seems daunting now, but it will pass, and there are lots of strong and good-hearted people looking out for us here. Keep your chins up--! Okay?
[ooc: AS PER MODLY CONTACT: getting close to the Dead Zone will result in an intense evil energy pulsing at you to GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK; it is maddening and even the most stubborn shounens won't be able to will themselves through it with kids in tow. Slenderman doesn't want his darlings getting away...
HERE FOR THE DEAD-ZONE and thread-jack away]