Dec 10, 2010 00:06

Eila )

erica hartmann

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Comments 72

Rooftop? 1/2 luv8vul December 10 2010, 05:31:55 UTC
[ have a Death the Kid.... flying up onto the roof from down below

on his flying skateboard ]


Rooftop? luv8vul December 10 2010, 05:33:29 UTC
[ he's wearing a Victorian suit, but he's found a raggedy black cloak to throw over it, so it's not immediately obvious

he hovers just over the edge of the roof for a moment ]



rooftop! windsturms December 10 2010, 05:36:06 UTC
[/instantly jealous

...not quite. It's a spiffy skateboard nevertheless]

Hey. Join me?


rooftop. luv8vul December 10 2010, 05:39:50 UTC
[ he'll kickflip off of his skateboard, catching it as he lands and absorbing it into his hand.... idefk ]

Enjoying the nighttime view?


recordhistory December 10 2010, 11:20:17 UTC
[Lavi was dropping by the library, so when he spots Hartmann on the way out, he approaches her with a wave - it's been a while]


Huh, the change of clothes didn't get you?


windsturms December 10 2010, 16:58:10 UTC
[will wave back!]

It did, but I was away, so I've still got the clothes I wore when I left. [exasperated look] I bet my closet is filled with lacy petticoats or whatever.


recordhistory December 11 2010, 06:20:25 UTC
Lucky timing~!

Think they're gonna last you till your closet's back to normal?


windsturms December 11 2010, 06:24:18 UTC
... Nah. Maybe I'll do some laundry before I go. [the thought of wearing Victorian clothing makes her wince >:]


need_to_rule_it December 10 2010, 21:10:51 UTC
[the library has got to be a safe place, right? Billy is slinking his way toward the back, on the lookout for suspicious decorations and still pretty oblivious that it's the birds causing all the trouble this year.

He spots Hartmann as he makes his way by, recognizing her as 'that girl who probably still things I'm Barney,' and sighs to himself. Especially with him currently being stuck in a suit, he's pretty much accepting it as fate that this is just never meant to be cleared up. It might just be weird to bring up at this point, you know?]


windsturms December 11 2010, 05:58:16 UTC
[so of course the only sensible thing to do is for her to walk up and give him a clap on the arm (can't reach his back due to height differences)]

Long time no see!


need_to_rule_it December 11 2010, 06:05:38 UTC
Oh yeah, hey... [did he know her name? wracking his brain now] ...there.


windsturms December 11 2010, 06:08:16 UTC

You look out of it. Why, the booth didn't go as planned?


filter diurnallistener December 11 2010, 04:43:34 UTC
Sanya's lips? Why would you be going after Sanya's lips?

[So confused, okay, but >| at the thought of people going after Sanya. Like usual.]


filter windsturms December 11 2010, 05:59:12 UTC
[dude. just. DUDE]

Why would I not?


filter diurnallistener December 11 2010, 06:21:40 UTC
[Sanya is hers though. :<]

That's not! You can't! [:|] It's not nice to kiss people unless they want to kiss you back.


filter windsturms December 11 2010, 06:26:48 UTC
[present to give silly northerners for Christmas: a clue :Db]

Riiight. You go tell that to all the people kissing everywhere.


Library! - Hope you don't mind a very late tag? handsthathelp December 12 2010, 10:11:27 UTC
[is, staaaaring over her own book trying to figure out where she's seen this girl before]


not at all! windsturms December 13 2010, 20:21:20 UTC
[picks up on the staring...far later than should be considered safe for herself]



handsthathelp December 16 2010, 03:42:10 UTC
[pfff, busted!] Oh, I'm sorry! I don't mean to stare! I... was just trying to remember where I'd seen you before.


windsturms December 16 2010, 07:00:10 UTC
Oh. Now that you mention it... [headtilt.



it's kind of obvious that she's trying to remember too, but not doing a very good job at succeeding]


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