Dec 10, 2010 00:06


[dictated in the best srs bzns tone she can muster:]

Hey. If you don't protect Sanyan's lips properly?

I'm going to get them.

... As will anyone else she runs into. There. Fair warning.

[can't shake the feeling she's butting into their private ust, so troublesome...but a bro gotta do bro things once in a while]


[closing her journal, Hartmann lets out a looong yawn from her spot on one of the library's (rather comfy) chairs. The good thing about not being in the castle during that wardrobe change? She still has her usual outfit on. A few extra layers are all it takes to keep her warm.

Next destination: library exit, and then the roof.

She misses flying. Maybe tomorrow...for now, she'll be content to look at the stars]

[ooc: for kisses, if you so wish. Meet her wherever! Probably your only chance before she leaves again]

erica hartmann

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