Second Experiment - Getting to Knoooow You ~

Sep 01, 2010 22:09

[Well, it had certainly been a surprise hearing his little brother's voice when he first arrived, though it amused him they so far had managed to avoid one another. The castle was much larger than it seemed, and he got a bit of a tour thanks to a lovely women he met (though he still did not know her name - her not being able to speak and all). He ( Read more... )


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Comments 32

boltalicious September 2 2010, 05:46:14 UTC
[Lovely day for a stroll! And you never quite know what you're going to see -- or how many wings what you do see will have. Is that twelve counts? Daaaaaamn. Black Bolt will just be strolling a little nearer, pausing to admire the sight. It reminds him of home. :(]


12winged_dealer September 2 2010, 19:17:54 UTC
[He's blind, yes, but that does not mean he is unaware when he is being watched. He would not have survived so long nor been so powerful if that was the case. He takes his time finishing the loaf in his hands, though another half was in the pocket of his doctor's gi, and turned to regard his watcher - well sort of. Being blind he couldn't precisely pin-point him, but his eyes focused in the general direction at least. Old habit.]

A lovely day, no?


boltalicious September 3 2010, 00:21:23 UTC
[He nods, but then hesitates. The eyes are pointed in the right direction, but there's something about them... ah. Unseeing, aren't they? He's encountered this particular situation once already. Good thing this guy seems way more pleasantly disposed than the last one. :|

He approaches slowly, cautiously, careful to land each footstep with a distinctive sound.]


12winged_dealer September 3 2010, 01:21:07 UTC
[He recognizes the care of the steps. So, the other knows he is blind then. Not a bad thing. But unnecessary. His senses are much sharper than a human's extended even further above them with his deficiency that has made him something more in other areas.

Still, it was amusing all the same and he rustled his feathers to show it, though he doubted the approaching male would understand that gesture.]

Are you afflicted with the inability to speak, like the young lady who helped me the other day?


englishbookman September 2 2010, 15:04:27 UTC

[Wes is strolling, enjoying the sun on his back. He's spent a lot of time holed up, researching his journal, and even someone who's accustomed to long hours needs a break now and then. The garden is lovely, a nice change from either the Sunnydale desert or the urban sprawl of LA.]


12winged_dealer September 2 2010, 19:20:02 UTC
[As he walks he'll no doubt hear the sound of the flap of wings - lots of them, and large. Bishamon wasn't go anywhere, but he did the motion periodically to create wind so he could get a better sense of what was around him, as well as keep the wing muscles limber.]


englishbookman September 3 2010, 04:36:45 UTC

[ He hears the wings, and is intrigued, although there isn't a great deal that can surprise him, and hasn't been for a long time.]


12winged_dealer September 3 2010, 04:39:36 UTC
[And now he hears the other. Curious, he turns in the other's general direction, his wings arching slightly.]



angelgeneral September 2 2010, 18:11:18 UTC
[He was coming outside just to go check on people in his somewhat inconspicuous bird form. It wasn't a bad idea but it was hard to miss those wings. And he wanted again so desperately to rip them out. But he'll keep his distance just watch.]


12winged_dealer September 2 2010, 19:13:08 UTC
[Oh little bird, is there ever a safe distance when it comes to Bishamon?

He senses him, turning his head in the other's direction, even if his eyes could not no longer find his precise location. But that general look, the cant of his head. He knew. Oh he knew.

And he smiled.]


angelgeneral September 2 2010, 20:14:11 UTC
[He can damn well hope there's a good distance. More so when he's seething with anger at that smile. How badly he wanted to attack. To blow this entire place up just for bringing him here. So he's not going to move closer or respond. He knows his temper well enough to avoid this. For now.]


12winged_dealer September 2 2010, 22:38:50 UTC
[He just keeps smiling in the other's direction, highly amused, but making no attempt to approach - though he turns from the bond and casts the bread on the ground, the birds in the area flocking to it like dutiful worshippers handed a gift from their god.]


f-fashionably late? royalrack September 3 2010, 12:39:04 UTC
[ Speaking of said lovely woman! Her footsteps might alert him to her arrival but the most familiar thing might be the way she greets him. She's not trying to grab for a sleeve, touch a wing or wave -- she just utters a simple sound ]



Tis fashionable 12winged_dealer September 4 2010, 01:30:51 UTC
[Oh, he smells and hears here long before she actually 'speaks', but it's fine. He turns, lifting his wings up upwards as if in invitation for her to come beneath them.]

Ah, my lady guide. Of course you would be out on such a lovely day.


<33 royalrack September 4 2010, 02:05:47 UTC
[ She will accept the offer to get a better look at what he's doing ]


12winged_dealer September 4 2010, 02:06:51 UTC
[Just feeding the fishies, that's all ~]

Do you care to try?

[Holds out a piece of bread to her.]


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