Second Experiment - Getting to Knoooow You ~

Sep 01, 2010 22:09

[Well, it had certainly been a surprise hearing his little brother's voice when he first arrived, though it amused him they so far had managed to avoid one another. The castle was much larger than it seemed, and he got a bit of a tour thanks to a lovely women he met (though he still did not know her name - her not being able to speak and all). He ( Read more... )


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englishbookman September 2 2010, 15:04:27 UTC

[Wes is strolling, enjoying the sun on his back. He's spent a lot of time holed up, researching his journal, and even someone who's accustomed to long hours needs a break now and then. The garden is lovely, a nice change from either the Sunnydale desert or the urban sprawl of LA.]


12winged_dealer September 2 2010, 19:20:02 UTC
[As he walks he'll no doubt hear the sound of the flap of wings - lots of them, and large. Bishamon wasn't go anywhere, but he did the motion periodically to create wind so he could get a better sense of what was around him, as well as keep the wing muscles limber.]


englishbookman September 3 2010, 04:36:45 UTC

[ He hears the wings, and is intrigued, although there isn't a great deal that can surprise him, and hasn't been for a long time.]


12winged_dealer September 3 2010, 04:39:36 UTC
[And now he hears the other. Curious, he turns in the other's general direction, his wings arching slightly.]



englishbookman September 5 2010, 04:23:39 UTC

[Wes watches him]

Oh, I apologize if I've disturbed you. I didn't mean to. I was just enjoying the quiet...thinking a bit.


12winged_dealer September 7 2010, 02:39:29 UTC
You did not disturb me, but you were headed in my direction. I thought perhaps you might need me for something.

[It's said with that air of self-assurance that says of course someone would need him.]


englishbookman September 9 2010, 06:21:03 UTC
[He shakes his head. The wings are quite intriguing, though.]


12winged_dealer September 10 2010, 05:37:44 UTC
Ah, then my apologies for disturbing you.

[And he turns his back, though his wings rise in a sudden flare - twelve in all, a great aura of gold.]


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