Title: Not Into Temptation
Author: Papyrus_Quill/PuraJo
Character/Pairing: Cosmos
Rating/Warning: G.
Disclaimer/Author’s Note: Cosmos doesn’t belong to me.
Group/Theme: 7 Holy Virtues - Abstinence.
Sometimes it just didn’t pay to go into orbit, Cosmos thought to himself as he cruised lazily from behind the dark side of the moon, having completed a full circle around the cratered Earth satellite. Winter and storms over much of the planet’s Northern Hemisphere made signal link-ups with the artificial satellites fuzzy at best, and downright static-filled at worst.
So to while away the time, he’d taken to orbiting the moon, telling himself it was best to check that there was nothing going on in the area, just to be on the safe side. At least it gave him something to do - or it had. He briefly thought about taking a short trip up to Mars, but knew that Prowl would have his metallic hide if he left Earth’s communication range.
And he couldn’t even fly into the atmosphere and scare a few humans in that weather. Most of them probably wouldn’t even see him.
Maybe there was entertainment to be found in the Southern Hemisphere, he mused. Watching Antarctic wildlife was more Beachcomber’s thing than his, but perhaps he could look for something to amuse himself in Australia, New Zealand or South America.
Then he remembered Prowl’s other warning - stay close to the Northern Hemisphere incase of emergency situations arising from the extreme weather conditions - and scrapped that idea. Well then, maybe he’d just go do another quick flight around the moon for amusement’s sake.
He was about to whiz along again, when a sparkle in the distance caught his visual sensors and he stopped where he was to zoom in. Something had just left Earth’s atmosphere and come into orbit, and as far as Cosmos knew, there were only a few other mechs around who could do that. Omega Supreme and Skyfire were both grounded on Earth along with all the native spacecrafts, which left only two mechs in the running and both were Decepticons.
Cutting off his engines, Cosmos coasted behind a larger satellite which he hoped could provide him some sort of cover. He had no intentions of becoming a Decepticon target again. His visual sensors zoomed in on the space craft, now clear of the atmosphere. Well, he thought, at least it wasn’t Astrotrain.
It was the new shuttle, Blast Off, one of the recently-created Combaticons that had been causing the others a bit of grief over on Earth and Cybertron. Cosmos’s weapons systems unconsciously lined up the mech for a shot. If he could take down Blast Off now, the Decepticons would be one gestalt team short, and he’d be a hero. Primus help him, but the thought was tempting.
At that point, a small piece of space debris bounced off the satellite, startling him. Quickly he checked to see if he’d been spotted, but it didn’t look as if Blast Off had spotted him. Again, he lined up the Combaticon in his cross-hairs, but this time he hesitated to fire.
What harm had the mech done to him anyway? Besides, he wouldn’t really be much of a hero if he shot the guy in the back, now would he? Cosmos gave himself a mental shake. He was the Autobot here, for Primus’ sake, and Autobots didn’t go around shooting others unprovoked.
A little angry with himself for even thinking of doing such a thing, Cosmos decided he would just give the Decepticon a wide berth and go about his business of keeping watch on the weather. Switching his engines back on, he glided out from behind the satellite and turned to go in the opposite direction. At this point, his communicator beeped with an incoming radio message.
“No wonder you Autobots are losing the war,” a voice half-laughed, half-sneered.
Cosmos started. Was that Blast Off? “I beg your pardon, I don’t think we’re losing anything,” he replied.
“You had the perfect chance to shoot me. Why didn’t you?”
“Let’s just say that sometimes it can get lonely out here.”
“Hmm… you have a point. And if I killed you, then I’d be stuck out here alone, too.”
“So what do you propose?”
“You mind your business, I mind mine. We’ll just pretend we never saw each other.”
“Works for me.”
“Me too.”
The call ended and Cosmos let out a sigh of relief, resuming his course away from Blast Off. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have some company here after all, even if it was a Decepticon.