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Comments 21

novelized November 13 2008, 07:49:17 UTC
i looove jim/pam together and would freak out if they broke up, BUT. i really want alex to kiss her. or at least try to make a move on her, omg. i love stuff like that hahaha.


novelized November 13 2008, 07:50:00 UTC
and also do you have a link to the fic in question? :D


paperrflowers November 13 2008, 07:54:05 UTC
I LOVE them. They're my otp. For real. I'd die without them. But the double standard with Jim and Alex is just pissing me off.

And yes. The fic.


tunaeverynight November 13 2008, 07:49:27 UTC
I'm fully prepared to be hated forever. *HIDES*.

No, but, seriously. Hopefully people understand that we love Jim and Pam eternally and want them together forever and always, but that it's quite funny how silly people are about Alex. Who I think is just a big cute teddy bear and completely harmless, BUT WHO EVERYONE ELSE FREAKS OUT ABOUT.


paperrflowers November 13 2008, 07:52:45 UTC
:D I really hope to wake up to a bucketload of comments. I'll dream about it.

Basically, yes. Jim and Pam are truly our hearts. Really. We'd die without them. BUT. Alex is Alex and he's looking our for Pam the same way Jim did. WE DO NOT HATE.

Thank you for being you.


tunaeverynight November 13 2008, 07:57:30 UTC

In fact, I have developed a slight crush on Rich Sommers :O


paperrflowers November 13 2008, 07:59:33 UTC
EXACTLY. Angst is awesome. Angst makes for REAL. THEY GOTTA KEEP THE CHARACTERS REAL. Right, John??

BLAAAAAAAASPHEMY. HIs little chubby cheeks make me smile, though.


silverstars November 13 2008, 08:49:03 UTC
If you guys are gonna get kicked out of the fandom for that, I'd get stoned for my opinion. I like Alex. What has he done that's so wrong? He hasn't tried to steal her from Jim or anything. He told her something that she should have been thinking about anyway! I mean, if we're being honest here, what Jim did was waaaaaaay worse. I mean, he kissed someone else's fiancee.

It bothers me that people are so close-minded about these characters. I'm talking about the people who hate Roy, Karen, and Alex simply because they "come between" Jim and Pam. Because honestly, if you look at the situation objectively, Jim and Pam are kind of the bad guys in all of this.


paperrflowers November 13 2008, 09:20:43 UTC
I love you SOOOOOOOO hard right now. Like..I could kiss you on the lips. That's how much I love you for this post.

This is our point EXACTLY. Jim proclaimed his love to her weeks before her wedding. Then kissed her. Alex is encouraging her. Doing EXACTLY what Jim did in Boys and Girls. Only NOW . After she took a chance. But there's still chances to be taken and he was right in showing her.

EXACTTTTLY. I love Pam/Roy -- they're not right for eachother in where they were when they spilt up but there was a reason they lasted nine years. There is obviously love there. AND FUCK. I'm guilty for loving Jim/Karen. Had Jim never met Pam, or had he never even transfered back, he could have fallen for Karen. It might have taken longer with the latter but I truly believe they could have been a beautiful thing.

My heart is with Jim and Pam but you need to be open minded and just...ENJOY THE FUCKING SHOW.


falulatonks November 13 2008, 11:52:08 UTC
I want to protest and give Jim fair representation for this argument (because both the length of their friendships with Pam, the positions that Pam's life was/is in either case, and the interactions with Pam as a whole are incomparable, in my opinion) but I'm laughing way too hard. :P You guys are too awesome. And the fandom is going crazy about Alex for absolutely no reason at all. Leave him alone! He didn't even try to steal Pam away, or anything - it's unfair. I don't know enough about him to say if I like him or not, but he's not bugging me, and I'm annoyed that people are hating on him this much.

On a side note, because you mentioned both of them - now that the drama with their relationships with Jim and Pam are over, I desperately miss Karen and Roy. :/ Man.


winterr_breeze November 13 2008, 11:57:19 UTC
Well, I mean think of it this way. Jim/Pam. 2 full seasons before they kiss, and they actually love each other. Pam and Alex...like...2 episodes? I think people are quick to hate, but that being said LOL. Ilu. But seriously, yeah, he hasn't done anything yet. He, personally, just annoys me cause I just see a Jim-wanna-be. (Even though he doesn't even know Jim?) Ehh...SHUDDAP :P.


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