Here is your completed posting schedule for 2013.
I've managed to accommodate all your requests and I hope you're all happy with the dates you've got. Please check through carefully to see when your posting date is, and also please remember to check out the
{ posting information } before you post; there is important information there that you will need to follow. Remember too that it is entirely up to you what time on your given day you choose to post; whatever works best for you. The posting day will run in GMT time so you'll need to work out your own time zones; you'll still have 24 hours if you're not UK-based, just a slightly different 24 hour slot.
* writers must have a min of 30k or their stories will be removed
* writers/artists must post on their given day
* writers/artist must not miss their posting date (in GMT time) without prior agreement (and extraordinairy circumstances!)
Just a few (provisional) stats on the final participants who'll be posting (if all goes to plan) because I'm geeky and I like numbers:
260 final posting participants
136 posts in total
124 writer/artist co-works
10 standalone writers
2 standalone artists
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
i_canz_dragon &
patria_morimadame_beret &
praeparadigmjaqtkd & Wil1969
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
caitcupcake & Hyenadon
emrys_mk &
aaweth_edainzairaalbereo &
crimsonswirls { SATURDAY 3RD AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
thalialunacy &
bizarre_esquetruelyesoteric &
fuckyeahkitsuneshadow47 &
mellow_morgan { SUNDAY 4TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
chicago-ruth &
fuckyeahmagnolia822 &
alby_mangrovesmssdare &
adagioviolin { MONDAY 5TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
sidhe_faerie &
zephrenight_lyx &
blood_songs90sp_owl &
myska_x { TUESDAY 6TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
jesterlady &
jennyblissmerthurdreamer &
silver_falcon24 { WEDNESDAY 7TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
jadedlane &
wassereissarageek16 &
thecheekydragonlalunanocturnal (solo writer)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
shadowofrazia &
madnessisrealslashweaver &
altocellobunnysworld &
thecheekydragon { FRIDAY 9TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
xthursdaynextx &
marymonroevioleteyedhair &
thedeathchamberinheritedjeans &
amphigoury { SATURDAY 10TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
scribblemoose &
kironomiblue_eyed_1987 &
fleeteincandescent (solo artist)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
alba17 &
p_sharkbaitflakedice &
zerda_vulpesquintenttsy &
viennajones { MONDAY 12TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
gwylliondream &
patria_moriplanejane &
alby_mangroves { TUESDAY 13TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
ceeebee &
zerda_vulpesqueasy_mouse &
blood_songs90tink_sky_reid &
dahlia94 { WEDNESDAY 14TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
destina &
gossjadesfire &
aaweth_edain { THURSDAY 15TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
darkravenwrote &
ortthreeoflittleuse &
aqualilliumrobespierre &
curvasud { FRIDAY 16TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
enviropony &
dyloggernomical &
raglessscotscookie &
amphigoury { SATURDAY 17TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
deminos001 &
blood_songs90patria_mori &
dahlia94i_claudia &
viennajones { SUNDAY 18TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
beccadearie &
_afterism { MONDAY 19TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
i_bleed_magenta &
dylan_mxseravia &
whimsycatcher { TUESDAY 20TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
blood_songs90 &
frances_veritasneurotic_nick &
silver_falcon24reni_m (solo artist)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
keoki &
somnolentlyumollrach13 &
ahhlee_spn { THURSDAY 22ND AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
murderdetective &
xcuri0sitystagarden &
aaweth_edaintuesdaymidnight &
tink_sky_reid { FRIDAY 23RD AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
giselleslash &
achelseabeemab_di &
pkai7omi-ohmy &
peasgopopping { SATURDAY 24TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
morena_evensong &
xcuri0sityrotrude &
puckboum { SUNDAY 25TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
colorwheel &
murderdetectivewiccanisms &
dylogger { MONDAY 26TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
angelqueen04 &
aaweth_edainskitz_phenom (solo writer)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
eternal_jazz &
aku_rinriventhorn &
attaasasweet-poppy111 (solo writer)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
dameange &
lili_flygirlpsyko-kittie &
sirbojanglestink_sky_reid &
aqualillium { THURSDAY 29TH AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
fuckyeah &
blood_songs90mamalaz &
mithborienungalad (solo writer)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
finem &
savagesnakesnympha_alba &
alby_mangrovesviennajones &
violetf { SATURDAY 31ST AUGUST }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
puckboum &
enkanowensinestrated &
aaweth_edainweepingwillow9 &
raideen9reverie_indigo &
ptelefolone { SUNDAY 1ST SPETEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
antonomasia09 &
aaweth_edainbeautifulblues1 &
raideen9sidhe_faerie &
zephreunbidden_truth &
sandrainthesun { MONDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
jalapino &
superfluous_emimoon01234 &
aarins_roupianopianopiano &
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
jaegal &
xcuri0sitylullbeblessed &
mssdaresweetiejelly &
neigeausoleil { WEDNESDAY 4TH SEPTMEBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
oomnydevvotchka &
chosenfire28remyllian_fire &
crimsonswirlsgo_fishboys & (solo writer)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
geekslave &
frances_veritasladyanne04 (solo writer)
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
greeneyes_fan &
myrrddinemrysxfortytwo &
emjayelleagirlnamedtruth &
aaweth_edain { SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
blostma &
haezofdaustloaded_march &
mushroomtaleprplhez8 &
madnessisrealsweetalison007 &
spacealtie { SUNDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
bend_me_baby &
tink_sky_reidetharei &
xsilverdreamsxgetoutnowash9 &
aaweth_edain { MONDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
emjayelle &
achelseabeejalapino &
superfluous_emiregan_x &
aqualillium { TUESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
paopu_parachute &
suchaprincemelooza (solo writer)
dianaprallon &
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
awyvern &
aaweth_edaindk323 &
superfluous_emimoon01234 &
aaweth_edain { THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
hyunni27 &
wassereisureshiiichigo &
numberthescarsleviathans_moon &
amphigouryk_nightfox &
altocello { FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
geekslave &
amorpheousjanesgravity &
raglessrikkuriddle &
lili_flygirl { SATURDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
corilannam &
phoenixacidwawrthur &
heroiclatteragless &
ahhlee_spnkianspo &
raideen9 { SUNDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER }
writer and artist matches (unless otherwise stated)
aaweth_edain &
haezofdaustlasermignon (solo writer)
xsilverdreamsx &
cryptaniacnyxelestia &
puckboum I'd really appreciate it if all of you could comment to this post just let me know a couple of things:
1) That you've checked it and are aware of when your posting day is
2) Which of you (artist or writer) is going to be making the post to the community.
To be on the safe side, I will give all finishing participants posting access sometime over this weekend, but I'd like to know which of you is posting so I can keep track of everything and so I know who to send reminders to a couple of days prior to the posting.
Please remember that this is a 30k minimum writing challenge, and only stories of that minimum length will be eligible for posting.
At the end of posting I'll tie everything up with masterlists and one final post thanking you all ♥
(Let me know if I screwed up any coding please.)