Perl wrangling for me! I've now gotten my mail script sorted out so that I can send to multiple recipients. Need to finish up the parts that do replies (so I don't have to cut and paste them) and blind carbon copy
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Yes... the Breeders are good. Cannonball was their big hit. I heard someone once suggest "Six Degrees of Tonya Donnally", because of how many bands she's been in.
I found an amusing web site somewhere that showed a little chart of the various bands that Kim Deal and Tanya Donnelly have been in. Portions of it were made-up as a joke, but there are bits in there that I can't determine the truth of. Something about the bassist from L7 comes to mind...
Sometimes I think most bands could change drummers constantly without anyone noticing. I think Pearl Jam changes them pretty frequently. I wouldn't have noticed if the one they brought when I saw them on tour hadn't played everything at almost double the normal speed...
Comments 4
Good band, too.
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