Dec 01, 2013 12:11

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Elena Bayer, orphanage of Azov, Rostov region, Russia.
Elena Petrova, orphanage of Azov, Rostov region, Russia.
Oleg Latyshev, International Academy of children and youth tourism and study of local region named after Alexander Ostapets-Sveshnikov, Moscow, Russia.
Abstract: The media of informational technologies may suppose the breading process of the Olympic reserve in the orphanage.
Key words: Sport; informational; orphanage; training; competition; technologies; breading; champion; Internet-TV; Postgraduate.

The problem statement of this work a number of colleagues can cause confusion. And there is a line of sight basis. Passion for orphans sports and working at a computer for many often presents a dilemma. And recommendations made to strengthen child health were to be to redirect teens that really carried away with information technology classes at the sports sections. And in some cases it was quite reasonable. In one of the children's homes, for example, boys - avid players - suddenly burst ball. This happened at the beginning of the weekend, when no one could help them solve the problem. Gallant team decided it yourself: the boys sat at the computer, and started to play virtual football. Occupation admit, also exciting. And mind and wit develops just as good this football. But, of course, does not strengthen the muscles and growing more so boyish and light brings only harm. In earlier studies, talking about preventing the negative impact of computer technology on children's health, we are also called training real sport if not simply reorient the direction of interest of pupils, then, at least, pay attention to the compensatory function of sports sections in cases where children are both passionate and sports, and information technology. Paying tribute to our wonderful coaches, Chief, and now we decided to go further into this matter. We proceed from the fact that not only the children in sports activities can give pupils the opportunity to keep health while continuing to master the subtleties of ever-improving information technologies. But reciprocity, developing a variety of network services, computer applications and rapidly developing hardware in combination can contribute to pupils increasingly successful in sports. The Russian people have enthusiastically accepted the decision of the International Olympic Committee to make the capital of domestic resorts, famous throughout the city of Sochi, also the capital of the Winter Olympic Games in 2014. It is quite natural that it has become a source of pride for our children's homes and boarding schools. All the more so for the older of them will soon come a time when they will be able to play sports for adults. Of course, not only in Olympic sports - each pupil, so - and graduate individual sports preferences and personal ambitions. Considering this and keeping them within reasonable limits, the children's home may appeal to the sporting interests of the child including those with him during the career guidance. Direct professional guidance will rightly be called one of the first uses of information technology in the formation of stable interest pupil in sports. Do so, for example, the staff of the orphanage of Azov, the children's home № 3 of the Rostov region, the orphanage "Altair" Labinsk Krasnodar region and other Internet resources include biographies of prominent athletes and their methodical calculations for those who want to follow in the way idols, other notable in this regard web material. In the initial consultation by a pupil may obtain a clear idea of whether or not it was his casual interest in the strengthening of the health and development of the culture of the body, consistent gaining professional skills in the sport? If a child expresses a selfless willingness to follow his idol, earnestly implement all recommendations of its network, it seems, the employee orphanage or boarding school, responsible for career guidance, a lot of sense to consult a psychologist and physician orphanage for compliance with such a strong passion of child psycho-physiological features of the pupil. If the child is completely healthy (which, unfortunately, every year there are fewer expectations), it should in the immediate society to find him a suitable sports section. Great happiness, if it exists in the walls of the boarding school, which allows its management to the most consistently monitor the intermediate results of child labor in some form of sport. In turn, attending her classes’ students may consult with the coach, how reliable download online guidelines of any Olympic champion or just a veteran, respected children's athlete. Do not print it yourself for the "Olympic celestial" a hapless coach, or just a person who does not have the sport in no way affiliated, angry at the world, and wants to take revenge for this, including - not the innocent children? Of course, such an event - an extreme, there may be just a discrepancy between the recommendations of the real high-class specialist and age of the child. Head orphanage section has interested students can visit the network page and help make a fair decision. This is the case if the children (as is often the case) will be agile adults. Are still heads of boarding schools, seeking to stop such encroachments. Psychology students at the same time to apply, alas, only harm, and multilateral. Children feel that the forbidden fruit is sweet beyond measure, and find a way to get the information they need in a different way. Some - even stealing money from a teacher or fellow group voluntarily absent himself from the territory of a boarding school computer club outside the orphanage, being engineered by adults to commit a chain of illegal actions, just something for a great desire to play sports more successful peers. But even that is - not the worst. With the information obtained in this way, the pupil is hardly suitable to the coach of the orphanage to verify its authenticity. And it may get hurt when used alone unverified data. By the way, for this behavior it can also remove classes section. But the determination of pupil exercise hardly will disappear. That's what told, for example, during our trip to Smolensk orphanage Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the most versatile man of the planet." Being punished as a child, Mukhtar was locked in the closet of no more than one square meter. Future champion spent about six hours. Even then, Mukhtar had a great desire for perfection, and did not want to waste a minute wasted. Those who came to free him from the "prison" adults were quite surprised to Mukhtar performing stretching exercises on the narrow walls of the closet. In order to avoid similar incidents in the head of the sports section in advance of the orphanage better explore the whole range of the network, which in self-treatment may fall eyes of his students. Sorting material for compliance objectives section should build diverse pages of divers’ sites in a logical sequence, which then helps the children understand correctly written, carefully considered approach to educational material, given all the details to follow these recommendations. Considering that every year an increasing number of famous athletes and coaches expressed a desire to communicate with their fans through the "world wide web", you can resort to direct contact with them to get a more detailed explanation of the content of athletes disclosed techniques, interviews, etc. Practice shows that many coaches’ orphanage sections do not do it just because of its special delicacy. It is delicate, modest people first come to the aid of orphans, that's the sense of the situation. However, we have over 15-year existence of the Russian orphanage family formed some experience outstanding athletes invited to participate in our "family" show "My Big orphanage family" in New planetary television youth. / detdom.htm What's nice, is not one of the champions refused us because of the exceptional employment or ambition. The maximum what we've done in some cases, it is, on the advice themselves supermen, to contact their managers, and agree on the time of participation in our program to eliminate lining with the shooting and training athletes. Of course, our conversation with each of the great athletes proceeded more in line with human values, rather than sports terminology and specific recommendations for some training. We sought an example of unprecedented internal growth of these people to show their children and their mentors’ orphanage, and how much quality you can work on them, simultaneously with certain muscle groups developing attention and will, commitment and generous attitude to the opponent during the competition. In this case, virtually every sports star, and we agreed that in the event of mass interest in the methods they spread in our orphanage environment we are able to invite champions hold unique master classes on Internet TV, as well as directly in the most passionary this for orphanages. And such practice also exists. For years, we stand in the orphanages of Russia together with thirtyfold world record in the field of strength training, my 19-year-old successor as head of the Russian orphanage family Bruce Khlebnikov. Before 2007, we were alone, trying to simultaneously reach more residential care facilities, and recently joined us already mentioned here Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev. God willing, continued replenishment star team should. To anyone, and never been a secret that the ambassador Bruce in an e-mail from fans and followers at the request of his family for seven years served your humble servant. It was only with the advent of the house Klebnikov leased line Internet, which coincided with the legal age of the young Samson, Bruce began to communicate in their own network. Similarly, can come and other busy people, among them - the world and European champions. In the opinion of many, communicating with people through proxies practically does not yield direct networking with sports stars. Moreover, in the absence of such envoys you would have much longer to wait for a response that you needed yesterday, sometimes - like air. And it's true, especially when you consider how quickly children light up with something. And no longer go out, if this hobby was not promptly appreciated by anyone not appreciated and not supported. Such a "patronage" is on the books and athletes. For example, Valentin Dikul - circus, renowned weightlifter and an outstanding doctor - for many years collecting material for the book have been waiting for his afflicted patients, and not just fans of his talent. And that help friends - journalists and writers - was perhaps not the main driving force in the emergence of the book to light. Of our wonderful staff boarding, there are those that were able to touch the heart of champions, and invite them to work in the walls of their institutions, start keeping section at boarding schools or orphanages. Conversely, some of them started their careers in boarding walls. One of the heroes of our TV - world champion in fighting among professionals Paul Boloyangov. While still a young man, Paul led the sports section of a boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care. Of course, because of the huge employment, now Paul could not if they wanted to continue this thing loved by him, with his favorite pupils and students. And again, the Internet offers a compromise. The site "My World» the champion now has its own "world", a blog community. At the kind invitation of Paul in his online community gladly joined this author. In turn, more and more children, and mainly - children's homes, comes as friends of my "world" page. Any one of them will get my good recommendation, if he wants to make friends with someone from sports stars, singers, etc., who are also my friends network. This will give them the opportunity to directly communicate with serious athletes. By the way, my pupils Azov orphanage communicate regularly with sports stars and music through Internet services. Limited to whether the impact of information technology on the process of improving our students in sports only network communications? Of course not. These technologies can be used in the absence of the Internet. It should be remembered that the personal computer because the PC and is called / PC, that this is not the only type of computer. We stop to think about it or not, but the turnstile in the subway or in an industrial plant, and the cash register in the store - it is also inherently computers. Of course, everyone - with his "gentleman's set" of properties and qualities according to their functions. The same can be said of many "advanced" fitness equipment, diagnostic equipment (suitable if you join the sport right now and all?), Blood pressure, finally, is also required during sports activities. And if now the Internet in any of these devices is not necessary, in the future it may also be necessary. For what? For example, to transfer the data (the results of training, diagnostic data - you need an athlete at this moment - a holiday? Loads, and if so, what exactly? Away from the scene (training, competition, etc.), these data can be generalized , compared with previous figures in the athlete, as well as his colleagues. This may stem further recommendations that can be obtained not only from the direct coach, but also from people who are very far from happening. Everything becomes more widespread mobile TV. And if the number of channels is already very high, but still has a limit, then the rapid development of network services each sport may well expect to have a special channel. What can happen at the same time? Will be available not only news in this sport discipline from all over the world, which in itself is a serious motivation to join the sport. It may also increase the importance of distance learning. Soon it will be possible, without leaving the ring or the tennis court, get recommendations first class specialists, they say, first hand. Bright, colorful, compelling, and most importantly - reliable. In the nearest time will still be much more difficult. But also to the rapidly advancing changes also need to be prepared. If someone is still not fully sure, it makes sense to think about what kind of people are not ready demonstrated in multiple increase the flow of information as such, but that is not the subject of this paper - it is we (and we not only the main thing way?) have previously mentioned. It should be at the moment is not so much lament the fact that some information is still not found, and it is better to prepare for the fact that, on the contrary, will see and hear everything that happens anywhere in the world. And the question will soon be - how, without the chaos in the mind, filter this broad, elastic and unceasing flow to the right only to you, and only now become available. More importantly - to make it timely, specific and reliable information became and source of knowledge, abilities and skills of your pupils and students. Both in specific sports, as well as in other areas, that the identity of your grown athlete was bright and versatile, interesting and useful to people. Putting it together. Education, as the Olympic reserve, and future members of other, yet the Olympic sports, the use of information technology is appropriate and takes into consideration the following features of the process flow: 1. You must use a network guidelines, which are generous with fans and followers of the representatives of the "big" sports. 2. Head of the sports sections in the children's homes (or other sections, visited the orphanage), should be approached with great attention to all network content on physical perfection that can be in the field of view of students, giving these resources specific and timely assessment and bringing their ideas to consciousness of their students. 3. The leading network materials selection criteria should be the head of the section record psycho physiological characteristics of students, the stage of development of their discipline, as well as the logical sequence of the study recommendations received from various online sources.4. Exchange of information obtained on the Internet leader and students should be held in an atmosphere of openness, mutual trust fully that the student always acted solely on complete and accurate network information.5. The explosive growth of the information space character causes refer not only to quality, but also to quantify filter the information received. Considerations pedagogical tact, high head custom culture can and should become the key to timely and consistent sporting achievements of the participants of the sports sections of children's homes - the future of active participants in the Olympic reserve.

воспитание, дети-сироты, обучение, физическая культура, олимпийский резерв, детский дом, физическое воспитание, образовательный процесс, образовательная деятельность, самореализация, спорт

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