Art: Steampunk Handjobs

May 08, 2011 18:04

Fandom:  BBC's Merlin
Title:  Steampunk Handjobs
Artist:  pandora_gold 
Medium:  digital drawing
Rating:  not work safe NC-17
Pairing:  Merlin/Arthur
Summary:  After a Con, Merlin and Arthur dressed as Steampunk, and make out back in a hotel room.
Warnings:  boy boy sex.
Disclaimer:  nothing of Merlin belongs to me, no money was made.

Artists Notes: this was inspired by a prompt on kinkme_merlin .  Something about getting off in a hotel room, after a con together, dressed in Steampunk costumes.  i really liked the idea, so here is my interpretation.  i would love to read a story based on the prompt, or my art!  if any one is inspired to write one, or finds one please link me.  Thanks!

And as always, comments are loved, and criticism is appreciated, as long as its constructive.  Thanks.


X-posted at kinkme_merlin 
X-posted at drawmelot


category: slash, art: fan art, art: drawing, fandom: merlin

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