quick update

May 08, 2007 14:22

Very short entry. Just so you know I'm not dead ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

threthiel9 May 9 2007, 01:55:57 UTC
Got an A on my Abnormal Psych exam.

So really this is just proof of what we've known all along. You have an abnormal psych.

Last but not least, Heroes is my new addiction.

Ha! I knew it wouldn't be long! So, how far along are you? *wants to fangirl!squee*


pandithesamurai May 9 2007, 23:11:41 UTC
As of this moment, I'm on I think episode 17, Company Man? I think... I have to look again. Going to watch more tonight before I hit the hay... I haven't even watched this week's 24 yet. LOOK WHAT HEROES HAS DONE TO ME!!!!! Loyal 24 fan for like 6 years now and... and NOW THIS!?!!! D:


threthiel9 May 9 2007, 23:47:50 UTC
Company Man is a great episode, as HRG rulez the house in it. (Although it's also the ep. where they decide to give Claire all the cheesy lines they can possibly think up; which, in a way, is also good. And cheestastic.)

And I'm sorry to say it, but Heroes has taken over Monday nights for me. I've been watching 24 ever since Mandy blew up that plane (remember the good ol' days?), but Heroes has pwned me so much that I haven't watched 24 since (totally not over-exaggerating here) like, mid-February. (OH, THE HORROR!)

And though I won't tell you who, in case you still haven't watched it yet, but one of my fave CTU agents totally eats it in this past hour. It's Edgar all over again.


pandithesamurai May 10 2007, 00:14:44 UTC
Who or what is HRG? D: And yeah... horrible Claire lines. Just horrible lines in general. And how did Matt and Beckett escape the radioactive house without radiation poisoning???!


brekaflowne May 9 2007, 17:06:47 UTC
^___^ so nice to see you happy. I think spring fever is running around.


pandithesamurai May 9 2007, 23:15:09 UTC
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. I ran around today after my meeting with dept. head. I looked at new scents at Bath and Body works. They had a nice scent now called Japanese Cherry Blossom. I was like "Oo that smells ... seductive" to the girl who shows you crap in the store. And she pointed out the sign and it said seductive, mysterious and something else on it to describe the scent. XD harhar. Didn't buy anything though. But I went to Old navy and got a new dress type thing to wear for me and Jason's anniversary. <3 I'll have to send you a piccy-tar. It was warm but nicely breezey. If only I was used to wearing flipflops again D: My feet ache so much now, but it was a good nice happy spring day.


brekaflowne May 10 2007, 00:35:44 UTC
I so wanna see your pretty dress. And a very happy early aniversary.


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