May 08, 2007 14:22
Very short entry. Just so you know I'm not dead.
Finished up the semester. Got an A on my Abnormal Psych exam. Yay. Means I pass the class.
Went and visited Jason for a few days after school let out. We saw Hot Fuzz. It was good. We played video games a lot too. Reminded me of when we first started dating. In 10 days it's our 2 year anniversary. <3
Everything is working out great with new roomie, Katie. She's funny. We go to the grocery store and to get food and stuff together.
Gina came over Friday night. She brought cupcakes, we ordered pizza. Watched "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" since she'd never seen it. We also fangirled over the newest Harry Potter trailers (with the Thestrals~!). Good times were had. Although I still need to get together with Tim to discuss what they want for websitey-ness.
Last but not least, Heroes is my new addiction. I started watching it this morning on the NBC website. Oh man. Future Hiro is so cool. EEee Hiro is just my favorite period. Want more now.
Beautiful day every day. If I had the money I'd go into the city and paint in the park or something.
Love to all. <3 Happy spring days~ Congrats to those getting married or celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, and those who are finding themselves to be pregnant and those who are giving birth. Hope everyone is well.