Elemental Forces (12/18/09; WC 409) Q

Jan 17, 2001 22:55

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Elemental Forces

Every path has some puddles.
    -- Anonymous

Covering a yawn with her hand, Despina sighs. "I sure wish my guide'd show up. I'm really ready to hit the hay. I don't suppose you could give me directions to the reservation?"

"Oh, I could get you to Stone Circles, the biggest of the native villages, okay, or even Mound, which is a bit trickier, but that wouldn't solve your problem.” The sheriff lifts, then lowers his cap, smoothing his hair in between. “There's no motel or hotel out there, no boarding house, and I can't imagine you living with any of the Indian families I know."

She feels tears welling up in her eyes. Hoping that the poor light hides them from the sheriff, she continues, "Do you know this Juan Quantico, the man who said he would meet me?"

Gruffly, the sheriff admits, "Yes. But he never comes to town."

"So you said earlier." I wonder if I've unwittingly caused a skirmish in the local version of Cowboys and Indians? "Could that Tomás fellow Tex ran off possibly be the one I'm supposed to meet?"

Still sounding angry, the sheriff stiffens, then says, "Possibly, but not very likely. There's still a vacancy next door at The Blissful Rest."

"That doesn't do me any good." She hesitates.

It's the obvious strings that seem to be attached to that offer. Besides, if I admit to a lawman I don't HAVE the money for an overnight, I'm likely to become suspect #1 for every robbery or break-in in a five county area.

"I promised to live on the reservation." Her words sound hollow and false even to herself.

A pretty thin excuse. I haven't started yet. As far as I know, I haven't even set foot on the reservation, and from all the help I'm getting here, I'm not likely to tonight.

As if he can read her mind, he adds enticingly, "Rooms let for only $8.00 per night. They're pretty primitive -- no water, minimal heat."

Raising, then lowering her eyes dramatically, Despina reaches for one last sip of water. "Oh, I'm sure they're plenty warm enough for tonight."

With a patient smile, he, too, takes a sip. "The desert gets cold at night."

"I've read all about diurnal ranges, I assure you." Her hand barely hides a yawn. "If he doesn't put in an appearance pretty soon, I'll just have to sleep in the back of my truck."


Last updated 12/18/09.

Word Count: 409

Wednesday, September 19th, 2001 5:15 pm (pandemo)

sotfw -- sc

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