Увидел тут у френда в ФБ, раньше как-то мимо прошло.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztz9jJNwp8U Шёл отряд по берегу,
Шёл издалека,
Шёл под красным знаменем
Командир полка.
Голова обвязана,
Кровь на рукаве,
След кровавый стелется
По сырой траве.
Where are you from, comrades?
What's your unit's name?
Wounded, you're still walking
For the red flag's fame.
We are sons of workers,
For the Dome we fight,
All hail Kamakura
Marching by our side,
Marching by our side.
Life in cold and hunger
That's from where we came,
But the wounds we suffered
They were not in vain.
We are sons of workers,
For the Dome we fight,
All hail Kamakura
Marching by our side,
Marching by our side.
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