I was only going to skim this and continue down my friend's page, but I seen "Kaleigh loves me" and yes, yes I do.
And I know exactly how you feel, I feel pretty genderfluid. There are days where I am very much female, and happy about it. Then there are days that can only be summed up with: "Yo bro, where's mah dick?" So yea, I know how you feel, I just can't bring myself to get a binder because it only solves half my problem.
Yeah. It's been interesting. That's one of the reasons I've been unsure about getting a binder - I mean it takes part of the most visible aspect to myself to society. I just don't know how being waitstaff and wearing a binder would do well since when we get super busy we get....super busy.
ugh. I miss you also! fyi! And this morning has a bit of unspoken drama since my flatmate is passive aggressively putting on her makeup because I took a shower this morning (instead of at 1:30am which would have woke up our elderly neighbor) and she was running late which means she can't take a shower.
So she's mad at me. Despite the fact that I WOKE UP REALLY EARLY so I didn't interfere with her schedule. UGH! Can I live alone now? Or have my own bathroom. She hogs it. :D
Comments 3
And I know exactly how you feel, I feel pretty genderfluid. There are days where I am very much female, and happy about it. Then there are days that can only be summed up with: "Yo bro, where's mah dick?" So yea, I know how you feel, I just can't bring myself to get a binder because it only solves half my problem.
ugh. I miss you also! fyi! And this morning has a bit of unspoken drama since my flatmate is passive aggressively putting on her makeup because I took a shower this morning (instead of at 1:30am which would have woke up our elderly neighbor) and she was running late which means she can't take a shower.
So she's mad at me. Despite the fact that I WOKE UP REALLY EARLY so I didn't interfere with her schedule.
Can I live alone now? Or have my own bathroom. She hogs it. :D
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