Melissa Harris-Perry describes herself as “cis
This showed up on my Tumblr dash today and it made me really excited - that trans* individuals are getting the recognition they deserve and then to have this woman correctly use the term cisgender and explain that it doesn't mean that she's 'normal' or 'natural' but that it means her sex/gender/and identity all match.
For the people who never read this blog (and it's no one, really, this is my ranting space. Kaleigh loves me. :P) I identify as genderqueer. I've never felt like a specific gender, sometimes I display more male attributes, sometimes more female. I haven't figured out who I am as a person but I am very much not cis.
I believe I identify more as genderfluid which makes it difficult on the days that I look down at my body and expect to see a boy and I'm confronted with female secondary reproductive features screaming in my face.
It sucks, it's why I'm looking into getting a binder soon. Ohgod, that will be so nice.
But yes, this is just me saying: GO MSNBC! You rock.