what i need right now is the paige brothers or a really out of hand animal collective concert to dance at, or better yet a combination of the two. and i want to lay down in the snow for hours.
i've been taking naps every day sleeping a whole lot i just woke up from one in fact i had a terrible dream it isn't fair when you feel shittier about yourself when you wake up than you did before you went to sleep.
farmington residents, the ones who are really from here, are the scum of the earth. every person i encounter here lately gives me the heeby jeebies. there is no way in hell this could be the new jerusalem
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hey everyone here i am again! after a brief hiatus from the old livejournal i've decided i need to write to tell everyone about the delicious polenta lasagna evan and i made last night. the leftovers of which i am currently consuming and they are tasty as ever
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