Longest day of my life... [Completed! FINALLY!]

Mar 19, 2006 20:46

Character(s): Cid and his crew, Jenova, Miles Edgeworth
Content: Later part of the day in Cid's modest little shop...
Setting: Cid's shop, across the street from the center branch of the Actua Are.
Time: Friday afternoon
Warnings: Jenova is ugly and Miles is a gay lawyer?

Cid didn't know if he could take much more of this Paixao place. )

phoenix wright, jenova, roxas, yaten kou, toshiro hojo, cid highwind, dias flac, completed, before restart, miles edgeworth

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Comments 146

samuraiamulet March 20 2006, 13:53:20 UTC
Having spent most of the day working - for a place to stay, no less - Cam wondered if this was the best plan of action. Obviously he couldn't go back in time... again, but he was satisfied that he made some allies... At least he secured a place to stay while in the odd city.

Although he was sure he'd catch something from the cold, but his uniform was warmer than he thought.

After most of the buggy was complete, Cam retreated inside to warm himself up a little, in which he peeled off his jacket and put it close to the fireplace that he sat in front of, although a bit off to the side. He smirked when he heard Cid push their 'customer' inside, but he didn't look away from the blueprints he had came up with on the spot.


mother_crapper March 20 2006, 20:07:42 UTC
Cid couldn't help but smile at the woman at the mention of her family. It was good to see there were still people who valued those sorts of things these days.

"Kids, huh?" He asked, going behind the counter and reaching for the few guns that they had. "What're they like?"


mysteriousboy March 20 2006, 20:12:50 UTC
"Sit tight, kiddo. I'll get you some blankets and tea. Earl Grey better be okay, 'cuz that's what you're gettin'."

Roxas shook his head as he entered carrying an odd box full of old tools he'd found downstairs. He was half tempted to just chuck them out - most were rusted through - but he figured that with a little cleaning a few of them would be salvagable. They'd atleast be good for some use around the shop if not for selling.

"Mr. Cid really needs to find something else to give folks," he commented to a fruity man and a spikey haired man who seemed to be a friend. "We've got some regular coffee too if you want that. And a carton of milk in the back but I wouldn't trust that if I were you..."


i_hate_quakes March 20 2006, 20:34:38 UTC
Miles tried to sniff his dignity back up his nose, but failed rather miserably. He rubbed the end of his reddening nose and looked up at the little blond boy offering his words of wisdom.

"Earl Grey is perfectly fine with me, young man," he said, sniffing again. "I rather like it." Miles sniffed, and wrinkled his brow. "Oh, pardon my rudeness--" he stood, his wet clothing clining to his chilled skin. He reached out a trembling hand in an offer to shake.

"Edgeworth. Miles Edgeworth. And you are?"


mother_crapper March 20 2006, 21:53:46 UTC
D'aww. A doting mother and her children. It was times like these that almost made Cid want to settle down, but he doubted that was ever possible for a man like him.

"Me? Kids? Nah," the pilot chuckled. "I could never make a woman live my kinda life. Always did want some little 'uns runnin' around to trip over, but for now I'll just borrow someone else's." He grinned and wiped at his nose, then pointed over to Roxas. "That one over there's pretty damn cute, if I do say so m'self."


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