The Entrance [Active/Open]

Sep 02, 2010 17:53

Character(s): Jake, and anyone else who may see him
Content: He arrives into the city, nervous and confused. His brain could be slightly fractured from the sudden changes in surroundings.
Setting: Around Vanaheim Gate, Week 24
Time: Noon (Back at his house, it was early morning… ^^;)
Warnings: Um... Lengthiness?

WTF, Ellimist? ...No, that can't be it. Hmn. )

kida, jake, vanaheim, week 24

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Comments 28

crystalchamber September 5 2010, 03:41:01 UTC
The best way to learn more about this culture nowadays was to see how they reacted to those not a part of it. She herself had been a victim of that discrimination. Kida had thus perched herself so she could see the newcomers arrive and see how they reacted. On occasion she approached the greenhorns, but it usually only resulted in a brief exchange of information before the two went on their ways.

There truly were beings of every type and world entering through this place. But what caught Kida's eye was a youth not more than 4,700 years, or what the surface-equivalent age would be. Most people who entered were adults, or at least a little older. She watched as he made conversation with the man at the entrance. Questions, no doubt.

Kida made her way down and walked up beside the boy. "You are a newcomer here, are you not?"


jakethetigerboy September 5 2010, 04:12:25 UTC
He was about to approach the nearest "nobleman" Jake dubbed in his head when he noticed the tall white haired woman come up beside him. He stopped and turned to face her. Her hair was a little longer than how his cousin wore it, thicker too.

There were blue (paint?) markings on her face, as he also noticed the orange fang-shaped earing and shining crystal pendant. Jake felt his face warm up a little, probably because she showed a little more skin than usual. An outfit such as that would violate his school's dress code for sure.

It was kind of funny as to why he was thinking of school at a time like this. He was on his way to board the bus, and ended up in this place.

"Uh, yeah. I sure am," he replied. "Maybe you could help me?"


crystalchamber September 5 2010, 06:55:56 UTC
It was clear her appearance had taken him aback. She had yet to understand why so many surface-dwellers blushed at her, but perhaps it was why she should have worn her new clothes today.

"I hope to," she began. "My name is Kidagakash." The woman gestured back to the entrance with words hushed so only Jake could hear. "The people who live here care not for questions. Many times I have wondered if they care not to think as well."


jakethetigerboy September 5 2010, 23:51:22 UTC
Wow, he wasn't sure if he could pronounce her name in his head, let alone say it. His mind was too full of other concerns, mainly wondering if his friends were around, and possibly finding a way out of here. As beautiful and amazing Paixao looked, he didn't exactly appreciate being wisked from home to where those fake trees were.

"...Could I call you 'Kida', for short? My name is Jake." He omitted himself from revealing his last name again.

He told himself to just not look below the the woman's face. Jake felt...kinda awkward around the opposite sex who showed cleavage; afraid of obscure or impure thoughts that may enter into his subconscious. That could be it, or something else--he never really gave this much thought.

In managing to prevent his face from turning beet red, he focused mainly on her face and her words. Nothing else. He was feeling a little restless, knowing that this place was real. He wouldn't be imagining or dreaming all this up, especially not the woman going out of her way to help him ( ... )


crystalchamber September 6 2010, 06:21:10 UTC
A hummed chuckle escaped Kida's throat. "It is good to meet you, Jake. And you may. Many people struggle with my name." Kida herself did not notice the omission of a last name. Even if someone pointed it out to her, she may have shrugged, since though even she had a last name, herself, no one in her culture referred to their lineage name.

Kida cocked her head at Jake ever so slightly. There was something about him that was interesting. It was as if she could see the cogs in his head turning ever so intricately, yet not knowing what any of it meant.

"Asking them to question the lives they lead results in similar reactions, regardless of who you ask." Her tone indicated she had been through this many times. "As for the others... There actually seems to be a growing dislike for those who are different, preferring newcomers conform to their ways."


jakethetigerboy September 7 2010, 04:10:25 UTC
As Kida seemed very kind and all, he just couldn't tell her his last name and address. Maybe there were Yeerks. Maybe they weren't, but he had to assume there were. As guilt began to settle in, he mentally stomped it out.

He shrugged, and then showed her a little smile. "I don't blame them, if this has happened before."

Kida seemed to be trying to figure him out, yet he pretended to ignore this. For both his and her own good, it was better to take whatever information was offered while acting as if there was nothing really wrong with him. Shortly, he'd get around to asking about his friends. But first--he wanted to know a little more about the place in general.

"Are there many, um, foreigners coming to this place, Kida? Is there a way out?"


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