The Entrance [Active/Open]

Sep 02, 2010 17:53

Character(s): Jake, and anyone else who may see him
Content: He arrives into the city, nervous and confused. His brain could be slightly fractured from the sudden changes in surroundings.
Setting: Around Vanaheim Gate, Week 24
Time: Noon (Back at his house, it was early morning… ^^;)
Warnings: Um... Lengthiness?

“Yeah, I have everything Mom,” Jake called to her from the living room, over his shoulder. He zipped up his backpack after stuffing his brand new notebook inside of it. “Gotta go!” His mother was cleaning off the kitchen counters as he headed toward the front door. He had to leave quickly, or else he would miss the school bus that stopped by the end of his home street.

A bark from Homer was heard from behind Jake. He turned around and bent down to his, scratching around his floppy ears and furry face in affection. “See you later boy,” he told his dog in a quieter voice. The hyperactive golden retriever in return lolled out his slobbery tongue, and grinned that big life-of-the-party idiot grin his owner was all too familiar with. Because he had become Homer more than once.

Jake stood back up and walked past Homer to turn the knob, his weary grin fading. As he stepped through, it became bright out. He was nearly blinded, having to blink several times to adjust his vision. What the-?! Why in the world was it so bright out? It was only a quarter after six A.M.

Warmth... Jake felt warm sunlight on his face and arms. He blinked some more and didn’t move until he could see again. Once he could, his mind at the same time thought that a huge nuclear bomb went off or something. This way of thinking stirred an unsettling memory. The sun couldn’t have suddenly rose to late morning or early afternoon otherwise, no way.

Suddenly, he wasn’t all that tired as he glanced ahead into what definitely didn’t look like his suburban neighborhood. There were people dressed in fancy clothes, costumes maybe. He stared disbelievingly at them, and at the elegant looking buildings too, with a whimsical quality to them. Some of the buildings were made of stone, some were made of bricks, and on of the taller buildings Jake saw had marble columns out in front. Others looked to be built out of two or all three of the same material, but nowhere near to looking alike.

Above them were very high and spacious looking domes of different patterns and paintings. One of the largest looked like a sky, with a bright yellow orb that shone brightly like a sun. Maybe that tome was glass in which the sun high above made the air so mildly warm.

It was as if he had walked right onto a movie set adapted from a Shakespearean play, or perhaps something similar to that. What could have made this line of thinking perfect sense would be seeing big bulky black cameras on wheels and a crane one. A man wearing a beret would be sitting in a folding chair yelling, “Cut! Who let this kid in here?!” Yet, he saw none of that. Not at all.

Jake believed it hard to comprehend as to how he left his house to here, to which all this stuff couldn’t be possibly be put altogether overnight. Everyone in his neighborhood would have been notified of something like-

“Good day to you, sir. What is your name?”

The man’s somewhat friendly voice startled him a little as he turned to his right. A portly guy who looked to be his late thirties or early forties was standing by what looked like a wooden booth, with a painted sign. The capital letters on the center of it read, “WELCOME TO PAIXAO”. Like the other people Jake saw, he was also dressed up in a Victorian-like fashion. And he was smiling a kind, almost grandfatherly smile. Just to the left of that booth was a tall tree that looked fake. Shiny plastic looking apples dangled from fabric leaved branches. Even the stalks of grass around it looked fake.

“Oh, uh, hi,” he replied, smiling nervously in return. He felt his stomach doing flip flops as he sounded a tad shaken. “I’m Jake.” Out of habit, he didn’t reveal his last name.

What is this? Some kind of Ellimist trick? No, that couldn’t be right. Even if that all powerful creature who liked to preserve life liked to show him things-time would stop first and he’d appear, right? ...Then again, he wouldn’t really know. He only met that guy once.

This place couldn’t be any sort of Yeerk trap. It sure didn’t seem like it, but did that necessarily mean that Controllers wouldn’t be nearby? Jake didn’t know for sure. He had been always very careful about keeping himself and the other Animorphs safe... Just as he was thinking of maybe asking Ax about this, he realized that his Andalite friend wasn’t with him. Neither were the rest of the group.

The man at the booth held out a small and light gray rectangular object toward him. “Welcome to Paixao.” The way he pronounced the word on the sign sounded like “pie-zow”.

Jake hesitated and stared at the thing cautiously. “...What is that?”

The both guy wearing that old gentleman’s smile. “A journal. Free of charge, and it’s all yours.”

Figuring to better believe the guy and not cause a scene, Jake took the object from him. “Um, thanks.” He smiled once more, when he was thoroughly confused. Underneath this display of courtesy, he was alert and thinking that something bad was going to happen.

Upon briefly inspecting the gray “journal”, if that’s what it really was, it looked like the object could be opened up like a book.

Look at it later. You need to find the others.

The man nodded and waved him off in gesture, as if to dismiss him.

“Thanks again for the gift...but I think I took a wrong turn.”

The friendly booth guy started to wave him off again, as if he was used to seeing strangers dressed not like himself come through here. “Off you go now. Go on.”

Jake took this reaction in mind. “Do you get visitors over here often? Like me?” Then, following that question, he had to add another. “In fact; have you seen a short girl with dark skin, a tall pretty blonde girl, and a short tanned Hispanic boy by any chance?” He could have mentioned Ax in his human form, but it was better to start asking for Cassie, Rachel, and Marco. Describing Ax would not only arise suspicion on the fact of him shares certain appearance traits from the rest. It would be too complicated for this guy to understand probably.

“I’m afraid I don’t know who you are talking about.” He didn’t bother to answer Jake’s other question.

Well, at least he tried. “So, where in the world is Paixao? Europe?” Europe was his best guess. Jake didn’t know why. It just came to him as he knew for certain that he wasn’t in America. But how is that possible? That doesn’t make any sense...

“You should move along, before you hold up the line.” The booth guy seemed to be getting impatient with him.

“A line?” Jake looked behind him to see past the fake trees, and saw no one. Just a wall. Weird. “I don’t see anybody else.” Okay, this guy was starting to weird him out a little.

”Doesn’t mean there won't be.”

Jake just nodded. “Alright. Sorry for taking up so much of your time.” He started to move toward the crowd of people, to hopefully obtain enough information to learn about whatever the heck was going on. He could only hope that the rest of his friends wouldn’t be too far away. Maybe they knew more than he did about this city with domed ceilings. Maybe they didn’t.

But what if I’m really by myself? Jake mentally shook that thought away as he continued on walking towards the nearest person.

kida, jake, vanaheim, week 24

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