So-and-So Is In Jail Cartoon [Active | Semi-Open]

Aug 27, 2008 19:51

Character(s): Jintetsu, open to other experimentees
Content: Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Setting: a cellblock of indeterminate location
Time: who knows?
Warnings: none

He'd just have to wait. )

riku replica, sara sidle, cloud strife, jintetsu, nina tucker, pride

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Comments 18

notachimera August 28 2008, 16:52:00 UTC
She was dropped unceremoniously into someplace dark and scary, but for a moment she just sat where she landed, collecting herself. Alexander wasn't there--no one was there. Biting back the fear that had started gnawing at her, she stood up.

She was in a cage. She shivered, whimpering a bit. And then the pain came. It was like a piece of her body had been removed, and she had only now recovered from the initial shock enough to feel it. She shrieked and curled up and started crying.

"He-hello?" she called through her tears.


scientific_lady August 29 2008, 03:09:18 UTC
Sara fell and landed on her back in a random cell, who knows where. That Org guy had managed to get her away from Naja and the new woman she had just been talking to, and now she was in a relatively small cell. This was not good. Pushing her back against the wall across from the one with the grate in it, Sara hugged her knees to her chest, trying to convince herself that the walls weren't closing in.

He-Hello? She heard a voice call...seemed young, a child?

"...I'm here..." She said, softly, but loud enough to be heard. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. Maybe focusing on something other than the cell would keep her from panicking.


faked_heart September 3 2008, 18:53:48 UTC
Everything was a complete blur when Repliku came to. For the moment he couldn't even remember what had caused him to be down on a cold floor in the first place. Had he been sleeping? No, that hardly seemed likely. Something had happened. With the way his head was hurting, he must have gotten knocked out. That conclusion seemed a whole lot more logical.

Gingerly he sat up, clutching his head as he tried to see through the haze of his vision. His surroundings were too much of a blur to make out so he tried sorting through his memories first. Starting with the most recent. What had woken him up? ...Voices, he could faintly recall, the sound of voices.

He'd been at a restaurant before this...looking. Looking for someone. When he had found that person...the person had been in danger. An Organization member had been there, one he hadn't known. There had been a portal and the rest was a blur. But that person...His eyes widened in sudden realization.

Nina!He staggered to his feet, stumbling as he took a few steps, before slamming himself ( ... )


whatsajailbait September 7 2008, 05:47:56 UTC
He landed on the ground hard, the floor cold and unforgiving against his body. Coughing hard as he got off his chest, Cloud shook his head to clear it and sat up, rubbing his head and wiped away the water that clung to his body.

First things first. He remembered talking to Eddie about Zack. He remembered getting up to follow him off to... somewhere, and changing his mind. There was-

water. Lots and lots of water. Suddenly panicking, he looked around at where he was, seeing nothing but walls and the bars keeping him from leaving.

"..." Muttering a curse, he crawled over and tried to peer out the bars, trying not to panic too hard. "Zack?"

An ambush. Kidnapping. Abduction. Something. If he was here, then where was Zack?


jintetsu September 9 2008, 15:29:28 UTC
Jintetsu's eye snapped back open at the sudden inundation of noise. Human voices. After however many days, he wasn't alone in here anymore.

Not that that was a good thing. It was what the voices sounded like that really got his attention. Young voices. And female ones. The chilling shriek sounded like a little girl. What were the men in black doing? Women and children, now, too?

He didn't attempt to make his presence known to them, for now. Even if he'd been able to speak, what the hell was he supposed to say to this? It wasn't like he understood what was going on much better than they did.


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