So-and-So Is In Jail Cartoon [Active | Semi-Open]

Aug 27, 2008 19:51

Character(s): Jintetsu, open to other experimentees
Content: Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Setting: a cellblock of indeterminate location
Time: who knows?
Warnings: none

By the time he was finally taken back to his cell, Jintetsu felt as if he'd spent eons stuck in that chair in the other room. The logical part of him insisted that it couldn't have been nearly as long as the rest of him wanted to believe, of course, but had someone told him it had only been about fifteen minutes, he certainly wouldn't have believed that, either.

He was dropped back in pretty roughly, not without protest from his injured ribs, but he ignored the ache long enough to prop himself against one of the bare walls. This was just ridiculous. They hadn't even bothered to interrogate him, just chained him up and left him there for hours on end without so much as a nod in his direction. What had been the damn point?!

Finally, he let out a sigh through his mask and shut his good eye. Yeah, he was pissed, but a hell of a lot of good that was gonna do him at this point.

Much as he hated it, he'd just have to wait. Wait, and see what happened next.

((ooc: Just a note on the cellblock layout; the cells have walls between them so nobody can see each other, but bars across the fronts so they can hear each other. And of course if you're in this thread your journal's been confiscated.))

riku replica, sara sidle, cloud strife, jintetsu, nina tucker, pride

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