Being Injured is Incredibly Boring [Completed]

Nov 20, 2006 01:59

Character(s): Tris and Xellos
Content: Tris is bored. Thankfully, this doesn't last too long.
Setting: Gayle's house in the Promenade Terrace, near Niflheim
Time: Mid-afternoon
Warnings: ...Tris is grumpy, and Xellos... I dunno. XD


Tris closed her eyes, leaning back against her pillows. She grit her teeth. She'd been attempting to walk around the room, only to feel the stitches and her back protest. Her eyebrows knit in concentration as she slowly eased her way down. Gods above, that hurt like fire. The mage took deep breaths- as deep as she could manage without pulling on her stitches. It was amazing how one never took notice of how their back moved in such ordinary circumstances until it was hurt. She pulled her glasses off. The weather-mage was still shutting Briar out, and had even managed to block Sandry out. She'd deal with them later.

Still, that left the very pained Tris in a situation she couldn't stand. She was stuck in bed, with no books in sight. The journal had amused her for a while, but the entertainment value of that venue was wearing thin. She pondered just going back to sleep. Gods knew she was exhausted from controlling the quake, but, honestly. She did not enjoy being stuck here, did not enjoy having only two options: stare at the wall or ceiling, or sleep.

Tris closed her eyes, sighing lightly. She also hated not being able to breathe deeply for fear of pulling her stitches.

completed, xellos, promenade terrace, trisana chandler

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