So it does rain in southern California…sometimes
Previous Part So first off it rains and has this really great moment
Of the boys realizing it’s raining
But doesn’t Seth have a window in his room?
And well neither of them wants to get wet
But they will want to talk
So they use Cell phones
The whole thing is rather cute.
But now for the plot
Sandy’s still an idiot
But he gets better by the end….kind if
Julie meets Alex
Then finds out Marissa’s sleeping with her and Marissa plans on moving in with her
Then Seth finds out
And he tells Ryan.
Julie and Kirsten even bond over the troubles in their lives and Julie freaked out at the idea of Kirsten and Sandy not making it. They are the moral core of all reality it seems.
Lindsay gets tested and finds out she is Caleb’s kid but still chooses to leave town (and Ryan)
Zach is also leaving town, but just for his sister’s wedding, and was going to bring Summer with him
He even got her an plug in adapter (it was more romantic then it sounds) but well
She left him at the airport
And he took it rather well. I mean better then many grownups well. Zach is just a great character, he’s no Luke but he’s good and he’s so going to be in my ten year reunion fic.
But that’s most of what happened, two major plots end (Lindsay, Rebecca) and two more are transformed (Marissa, Seth/Summer/Zach) into something different. That is one things I’ve notice this show likes clumping stuff together, cast changes or major plot shifts. It’s good and bad but whatever.
Next Part