Title: Where Innocence is burned in flames. Pairing: Brokkr/Loki. WARNINGS: non-consensual, torture, stockholm syndrome. Inspiration: Title comes from Woodkid - Iron, this promt at norsekink. Note: You can also read it on AO3 or norsekink.
Title: Where Innocence is burned in flames. Pairing: Brokkr/Loki. WARNINGS: non-consensual, torture, stockholm syndrome. Inspiration: Title comes from Woodkid - Iron, this promt at norsekink. Note: You can also read it on AO3 or norsekink.
Title: Where Innocence is burned in flames. Pairing: Brokkr/Loki. WARNINGS: non-consensual, torture, stockholm syndrome. Inspiration: Title comes from Woodkid - Iron, this promt at norsekink. Note: You can also read it on AO3 or norsekink.
Title: The House of Odin. Pairing: Thor/Loki, Odin/Frigga. WARNINGS: scheming!Odin. Inspiration: this promt at norsekink. Note: You can also read it on AO3 or norsekink.
Title: Scolding Loki Summary: Mothers love their boys no matter what, and if they've gone rascal on Earth, then, of course, it is Olympians who are at blame. Disclaimer: I own nothing. Note: You also can read it on AO3 or norsekink.
Title: Poison Summary: A drabble about decisions, disappointment and love. Rating: PG-13 Author: Paint Little Disclaimer: I own nothing. Note: You also can read it here. ( Poison )