Express Permission - R- vanya_elda

Aug 09, 2009 14:07

Title: Express Permission
Author: recordlabelgirl
Rating: R
Pairings/Characters: Kradam, mentions of Kris/Katy, brief mention of Adam/Brad
Written For:
Prompt: "I never ever, ever, ever lie...unless it's to protect someone." - Adam Lambert
Summary: Kris has been taken care of by Katy his whole adult life. Now that they're on tour and Katy's not around, Kris is having issues. Adam notices
Warnings: D/s, mild bondage
Author's Note: I'm pretty sure this wasn't what was expected from this prompt, so I apologize for that and hope it is enjoyed anyways. Also, I had a rl friend beta it and I looked over it, but my apologies for any errors we missed. I'm sure they exist.

“He’s doing just fine. He’s actually napping right now, so you might want to try back in a few hours or so. You know how he is when he actually gets the chance to sleep.” He paused, listening to the tinny voice coming through his phone. Katy didn’t need to know everything. Katy would worry. She would have fret, and it would only upset Kris more when he realized she wasn’t there to do anything about it.

Kris drifted across the bus to where Adam had just clicked off Kris’ phone and set it back down on the table. He couldn’t remember when it became okay for Adam to just crash through regular personal boundries, but on tour he was often too tired to notice or care. Adam looked at the smaller singer. He couldn’t remember when he had first noticed the bags under Kris’ eyes and the wrinkles on his clothes, but every day on tour they were getting larger.

“You left your phone out,” Adam said.

“Oh. Yeah. Thanks. I keep misplacing things these days.” He looked blankly over at it sitting on the table and proceeded to wander back to the bunks.

Nobody wanted to go the the 19E party after playing twenty dates of a fifty date tour. They all wanted a nice hotel and a place to call loved ones, but the handlers had insisted and all then were currently being rushed through getting dressed so that they could arrive at a function that wasn’t even scheduled to start for an hour. Not to mention the fact that everyone knew nobody would even be there for an hour after that. And if they were just going to separate into group and socialize amongst themselves it seemed perfectly logical to simply stay in the hotel and do it. But that never seemed to be the way having the strange kind of fame they’d found worked.

Adam had looked at Kris and and pitied the poor makeup artist that was going to have to spend a good portion of his day finding the right combination of concealers and powders to make Kris Allen look happy, wholesome, and healthy. The bright lights and spotlights of wherever they were being dragged to would do him no favors. Kris stood in front of the mirror fumbling with the tie he had been informed was part of the dress code to wear. After hearing the boy curse the thing out at least five time, it hit Adam. Kris Allen could barely tie his own shoelaces, let alone a tie. Kris Allen had Katy for pretty much his whole life. Katy could take care of him. Katy did take care of him. Kris was lost and alone without Katy. Scratch that - Kris was lost and alone without someone to take care of him, whether it was Katy or not. Adam had tied the tie.

Inside the club, Adam is watching Kris and it is making every dominant urge in his body flow through him everyone. The adrenaline passed under his skin, ran through his veins, pulsing a million times for each beat of the music. He forces himself to scream his thoughts in his mind. He screams the rules to himself. They sound formal and rigid, nothing like the bright and swaying mass of people he’s found himself wathcing on the dance floor.

“I will not attempt to dominate anyone who hasn’t given me express permission to do so.

I will not attempt to dominate anyone who hasn’t given me express permission to do so.

I will not attempt to dominate anyone who hasn’t given me express permission to do so, no matter how much its needed. No matter how much I know it will help. No matter that I’m getting every non-verbal signal Brad ever gave me when he needed to be told what was good for him, needed to be whipped and held and hurt,” Adam thinks. He repeats the mantra in his mind what seems like thousands of times.

He could try and tell himself that when he walked over to Kris on the dance floor he had every intention of following the carefully laid down rules. That, ladies and gentlemen, would be complete and utter bullshit.

Two hours later and Kris is in Adam’s hotel room. Adam is slowly peeling off the sweaty clothes. Kris hasn’t had but two beers and yet his head is spinning from the attention. Adam’s fingers slide over the fabric of Kris shirt, pressing into his hibones and he slides it up over the singer’s head. If it weren’t for the size of his hands, the way when Adam presses down on Kris’ skin his fingers cover so much more than Katy’s ever did, Kris could close his eyes and pretend this was Katy.

But Adam knows what he’s doing. Adam has known other boys like Kris. Never quite this situation, but he can tell what’s going on in Kris’ head to an extent. With Katy its just habit. They’ve been together so long that this is how Katy and Kris have sex. Its not about one being dominant, Kris needing to be taken care of. Its simply the way Katy knows to treat Kris. Ever since they lost their virginities together as teenagers. Adam is applying pressure and getting Kris to bend and move and follow his touches without a single word. At the same time it isn’t even vaguely sexual, not in comparison to the way Adam does everything else in his life at least, and yet it’s the most alive and sensitive Kris has felt in years.

Adam moves his hands to the buckle of Kris’ belt. He doesn’t ask permission. Kris will follow his lead. He knows Kris will.

“C’mon. Take them off.”

Kris doesn’t question, he simply obeys. He slips out of his jeans and boxers and feels a tinge of embarassment upon realizing he is fully naked in Adam’s presence and not even slightly by accident. Walking on each other changing in the Idol. Mansion was something else entirely. He looks up at Adam, tall and broad shouldered and a thousand other things that should be so much more intimidating than they are.

Adam reaches down to where Kris is sitting on the hotel bed. The lights of the room barely illuminate his face. Kris looks so tired, with the rays of light reaching into every line on his face, every dark shadow. He almost looks broken.

“Good boy,” Adam practically purrs, and everything changes.

Suddenly this is more than Adam getting Kris into bed or to a hot shower. This is deliberate.

“Tell me if I’m wrong. Something tells me I’m not, but I’m being a huge idiot, tell me now. Arkansas, okay? If anything is wrong that is how you have to let me know.”

Not one of the hundreds of muscles in Kris’ face move. Adam pets Kris, slowly moving his fingernails up and back down Kris’s side, stopping right at the top of his hipbone before moving up again. Adam knows better than to touch without permission, but after a few strokes he knows Kris is in that place where he would let Adam do it. He would let Adam hurt him, mark him, anything.

Adam raises his voice. “Kris. Tell me. You have to tell me. Okay?”

Kris nods.

“Tell me.”


Then Adam is digging through his bag and Kris is left alone and Adam swears he hears Kris practically whimper. Adam was definitely right about Kris.

“Kris. Quiet.” Its an order, but nothing if not a kind one.

Kris instantly stops and the room is simply filled with the sound of breathing and the various things Adam has in his bag clanging together. They create a symphony of rustling sounds interspersed with loud, high metal clanging, at least to Kris’ hyper-alert ears.

Adam finds what he’s looking for and Kris feels Adam’s weight behind him.

“Kris get up here. Give me your hands.”

Kris obeys. Kris has no choice but to obey and he feels the soft leather around his wrists and he is reminded this is not Katy. Katy had never. Katy’s dominance was simply implied. This was real.

Before Kris can think, a fully clothed Adam has straddled him. The roughness of the denim and coldness of the chains and zippers Adam is so fond of is a sharp contrast to Adam’s mouth warm and soft on Kris chest. Adam licks across the younger boys collar bone, lightly biting down occasionally.


And then he’s licking a slow line down Kris’ cock and taking Kris into his mouth. Kris should want to buck and moan. Adam is good at what he’s doing. But he just knows he isn’t allowed and that’s more than enough to keep him from even thinking about the urge. He comes and Adam swallows and just sits back and looks at Kris, who is breathing harder than a marathon runner and has his eyes half closed and Adam sees absolute bliss on his face. He waits a minute before reaching out to gently touch Kris’ arm, the skin there hot and shining with sweat. Adam stares down, stares Kris straight in the eyes before undoing the leather cuffs.

Fingers rub over the slight red marks the cuffs have left, and Adam gently kisses each mark.

“Good boy. Such a good boy,” he whispers to Kris, mouth barely two inches from Kris’ ear.

Its ten minutes later when Adam trusts that Kris can hear him and comprehend what’s going on. “I’m gonna go sleep in your room. Nobody will notice we switched.” Adam turns to leave.

“Hey. Wait?”

“Hm?” Adam asks, turning around immediately. He expects at least mild amounts of awkward to begin flying his way.

“You know me too well.”

Adam laughs. “Nah. Not yet. But we’ve got plenty of time to make that happen.”

Kris is relieved at the familiar, joking tones in Adam’s voice. Adam is still Adam. Kris smiles and hears a quick goodnight before the door clicks shut behind Adam.

The next day Adam buttons Kris shirt and fixes his hair. He calls Katy to report on Kris. “Yes, he’s doing absolutely fine.” Not a lie. “He misses you.” Not a lie. Not the whole truth, but not a lie. “He loves you.” Not a lie. “He definitely needs you in his life. You should come visit.” Partially a lie, but only enough to protect Katy. Katy has spent her whole adult life protecting Kris. Adam figures she deserves the break.
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