What to think?

Dec 13, 2009 15:59

We inadvertently came to a coffee shop in Seattle that is currently filming a commercial. Fat, unattractive me and my companions are ignored while camera operators wait for attractive customers to come in. They want to film the young, slim people enjoying coffee here, and not us. We have literally been in the center of this damn place while the ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

robes_of_earth December 16 2009, 11:33:57 UTC
I think your husband might disagree with you. :)

It's not that you're not nice to look at, but these people want to film their ideal customer, which looks like approximately 1% of all their customers. America still likes to brand this idea that everyone is slim and attractive with clear skin and blonde highlights in their hair, and they'll probably never let go of that fantasy.

That said- you can't tell the world that your opinion on how you look is the right one. I'd much rather look at the man in my icon than Brad Pitt. When I see the 'ten tips to a flat stomach' ads all over the internet I usually lament that in the before picture they looked so nice and soft, now they're all hard and oily. I had coffee with a man the other day who I feel is probably THE most handsome man I have ever seen in the whole entire year. (I'm going out for drinks with him next Saturday) He doesn't think he's anything special.


anonymous December 17 2009, 17:44:04 UTC
Stop putting yourself down, it doesn't help self esteem to constantly dwell on what YOU believe to be negatives. I do it ALL the time, my hubby tells me I'm beautiful every day.

We as women need to stop doing this.



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