why does it feel like ur best friends are just drifting away and its time to get over them and make room for new friend? this year has totally sucked my best friends have drifted apart from me im not naming anyone but its just so weird and one of them just said something to someone and i was there and it was like a slap in the face to me i guess
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hey wats up? nm here! my holiday is eid and it was awesome saw my family and friends and on saturday hung out with ameena for 4 hours at ICPC with yasmin and the crew it was awesome i dunno if i could describe how it felt just to hang out with friends again yupp and saw some people tat made my day :) anyhow i can eat again! and yea u will see me
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hey wats up? nm here school suxs im doing sooo bad i cnt take all this stress rite now too much to think about too much to do and i just can take this honor class shyt everyone always doubted me and i need to find a way to prove them wrong! and the sad thing is tat the people who always doubted me was my family! not in the mood to talk now but
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ThErE's ALwAyS tHaT oNe PeRsOn ThAt WiLL aLwAyS hAvE yOuR hEaRt YoU nEvEr SeE iT cOmInG cAuSe YoU'rE bLiNdEd FrOm ThE sTaRt KnOw ThAt YoU'rE tHaT oNe FoR mE, iT's CLeAr FoR eVeRyOnE tO sEe Ooh baby, yOu WiLL aLwAyS bE mY bOo
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hey wats up guyz? sometimes i think about this year and how much it sucks and our friendship is drifting bit by bit and its so sad u mite not know but i feel it drifting well tats all i wanna say! bye love aisha
tHe One thing tat made me smile today was tat pong and kim were talking to each other and they werent fighting and i hope it stays like tat cuz i hate when people are fighting over stupid things! and it made me :) love ya pong and lai and ashley and evryone else! xoxo
i dOnT nEeD fUcKiN fRIeNdS wHo GeT mAd OvEr StuPiD sHyT! tHaT jUsT mEaNs U wErE nEvEr mY fRiEnD aNd I hOpE u ReAlIZe hOw fUcKiN gUiLtY u MaKe Me! i HaTe u FoR tAt! sO fUcK yOu! ugHhHh taTs ALL bYE
" I really feel That I'm losing my best friend I can't believe This could be the end It looks as though you're letting go And if it's real Well I don't want to know Don't speak I know just what you're saying so please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts
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nm happened my cuzion was over for a week my bro and other cuzions came back from camp yesterday sounds like they had a blast! hopefully still going to chicago after my parents lil fight my parents faught still seems like they are mad at each other :( really sad about the fight seems like everything is going wrong gonna go comment buh bye