Title: Suteki na Kanashibari
Pairings/Characters: Yokoo/Fujigaya
Rating: PG
Summary: Fujigaya experiences sleep paralysis for the first time in his life, but luckily someone was there with him.
A/N: If someone doesn't know what kanashibari (sleep paralysis) is, here's a
wikipage. I had that often and I sincerely hated it every time. Terrifying.
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Comments 6
I can picture the scene X°D
shoving himself on Yokoo’s lap and stretching his arms to reach the other end of the bed
Ah Ta' sei pessimo
Usually you mistreat me in a more refined way.”
X°DDDD Taisuke must be really shaken and still confused
I love how you described their relationship ;A; the way they're so comfortable in each other's presence without needing to put their feelings into words... and everything else, so cute ;A; sob
Hands were a much better deal.
YokoFuji knows better! Also it's canon u_u
Fujigaya pouted but then Yokoo hastily added, “there will be time for that. For now, I just want to keep kissing you.”
te sei salvato in calcio d'angolo (?) Wata' X°D
Che chu chu chuuuu(rros)!!!♥♥♥
You suck only when you say your writing suck u_u bù for you!
Tutto il fluff del mondooooo *___________________*
CHE BELLIIIIIIIII *______________*
Ah! Mi serviva proprio una bella storia fluff così!
E' dolce al punto giusto e mi ha fatta kyaiare moltissimo ;_____;
E le mani di Wataru ;___;
E Taisuke poverino ;____;
E il loro essere una coppia ;____;
*flippa i tavoli disponibili*
We should always be in the same bed.
We should always be in the same bed.
We should always be in the same bed.
We should always be in the same bed.
We should always be in the same bed.
We should always be in the same bed.
We should always be in the same bed.
*flippa direttamente se stessa*
No, sono l'amore. Punto.
Grazie per averla scritta *_______________-*
Mi ci voleva proprio !!!!!!!!!!
How do they keep getting cuter and cuter? ^^:
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