The Unexamined Life...etc.

Sep 05, 2008 10:04

I've been challenged by several different sources this week regarding the way I run my life and where my priorities are and how even good things can get in the way of "best things," and where my treasure is, there will be my heart, too ( Read more... )

prayer life, rambling, real life

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Comments 14

with_apostrophe September 5 2008, 14:48:02 UTC
Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

Last week I spoke at my company's Christian meeting (that it exists is amazing considering I'm in the UK) from Deuteronomy 30v19 - where God urges the Israelites to "choose life". I expanded this along the lines of choosing to live as God wants you to - to really go for it. And yet here I am days later not doing it myself.

I need to leave the computer off first thing in the morning. It's that simple, and yet can be so ridiculously hard to do.

We can do it, however. He will give us the strength.


padawan_aneiki September 5 2008, 15:05:41 UTC
Where some of my thoughts have been running this morning revolve around submission to God.

Submission is not weakness but rather is "power under control." I have the power to do my own thing, go my own way, do what I think is right, but in submission I choose to restrain that power, to control it in order to do the will of God in my life. Which is so much better for me!

And I so relate to the computer thing in the morning. Leaving it off an extra half hour today made way for something much better. :)


wildcat88 September 5 2008, 15:38:12 UTC
I'm right there with you. Fandom has taken over a large portion of my life. More than it should. I need to get my priorities in line too.


padawan_aneiki September 6 2008, 00:20:06 UTC
*nods* Fandom makes a great playground, and I have as much fun in the sandbox as anybody, but sometimes it's just a matter of better time-management. :)


karri_kln1671 September 5 2008, 19:04:14 UTC
Fiction in all its wonderful forms is my escape and I love it, but I do know where the line is between it and the real work, and my priorities are real world, like my family. I agree that it's important to keep priorities straight.


padawan_aneiki September 6 2008, 00:23:40 UTC
:D Indeed...and as I mentioned to the previous commenter, for me it's not anything to do with the blurring of the line between fantasy and reality, but more the idea of making sure I'm practicing good time management and not letting myself getting so *distracted* playing that I neglect the things that are necessary or important. :)

Time management, making lists and losing stuff...the three big areas my Mom had to deal with me when I was growing up and going to elementary school. LOL


kangamoo_oz September 5 2008, 22:52:15 UTC
It can definitely feel like we're all running on the treadmill and getting noplace. Seems like you've had an epiphany and have learned some!

I can't learn.. I love distracting myself for no reason! :D



padawan_aneiki September 6 2008, 00:26:54 UTC
LOL Well I'm not saying there likely won't be some good old fashioned distraction along the way but hopefully just in a more balanced manner. :) First things first, and all that. :)

And LOL somehow I don't think you're unable to learn. You're a pretty smart cookie, IMO. ;)


titan5 September 5 2008, 23:05:36 UTC
This is kind of amazing because I've been thinking a lot of the same thoughts the last few weeks. I haven't done as much about lifting God back up into first place as I'd meant to, though and this really made me wake up and face that. All those plans of reading the Bible and praying more need to shift from the tomorrow that never comes to right now. Thanks for the nudge, even though I know that's not how you meant it.


padawan_aneiki September 6 2008, 00:28:38 UTC
You're welcome for the nudge, and that's okay. God knows what He's doin'. :D

*huggles* :)


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