The Unexamined Life...etc.

Sep 05, 2008 10:04

I've been challenged by several different sources this week regarding the way I run my life and where my priorities are and how even good things can get in the way of "best things," and where my treasure is, there will be my heart, too.

Okay, if that all sounds terribly complicated and confusing, my apologies but it makes perfect sense to me. LOL

I had a really good time in prayer and reading the Bible this morning, and it's something I haven't spent much time on at all lately. And I'm not talking about the "I have devotions for a half hour, I should be spending two hours!" type of false guilt thing. I'm talking about neglecting it totally in favor of things that really don't mean much in the overall scheme of things.

Fanfic. TV. The 'net. Entertainments that, while in and of themselves aren't necessarily bad, but can be allowed to choke out priorities in the Real World if I let them. Too often I have let them. And wasn't that my mistake the first time around in my marriage (one of them)? I let the temporary, the ephemeral, the distractions pull me away from taking time to focus on what is important, eternal and real.

Now some of this necessitates some changes in the way I do things. It requires some self-discipline and submission to the Lord. And I know I'm not perfect. But it is, at least, a springboard.

Does this mean I'm abandoning the 'net or fanfic or declaring a holier-than-thou curse on it? No. But it does mean putting important things *first*. Playtime comes later. Know what I mean? Comes down to prioritizing. And living the way God wants me to live.

Anyhow, I know that was an awful lot of rambling, but it *is* where my brain has been at most of this morning. Thought I'd let you all in on the secret that it's actually functioning this morning. ;) *taps coffee cup* LOL

prayer life, rambling, real life

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